Web Developer

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We are currently searching for a seasoned web developer to join one of our department's current product teams.
Each member of our cross-functional, long-lasting product teams has complete ownership over one of our main offerings.
The team, which consists of a committed Product Manager, Product Designer, Tech Lead, and Developers, is based in our Malmö office and has the authority to identify the most promising prospects for our clients' businesses and provide solutions for them.
About the role:
At PinMeTo, you will be involved in the whole product life cycle as a developer, helping us to continuously improve our platform in response to user requests.
You will be joining a team where everyday face-to-face communication is the standard method of working, where outcomes are valued above outputs, and where everyone collaborates to achieve a common goal.
Among the things you will work on are the following:
utilising Elm, our preferred frontend development language, to work on our web projects.
Using Node.js with Neo4j and MongoDB to develop backend services and APIs.
collaborating on solving the most value opportunities for our users' demands with the other engineers, designers, and product managers in your team.
Assisting with enhancements and cross-team projects, like our cloud infrastructure platform and shared design system.
We believe that you:
possess a minimum of two years' worth of expertise developing web applications for users.
Enjoy writing both front-end and back-end programming, and are accustomed to collaborating on projects involving automated developer tests, pair programming, code reviews, and other methods of maintaining high standards in a continuous delivery setting.
You probably don't know Elm yet (? ), but you're interested in learning it and using it in conjunction with your prior knowledge to develop incredibly dependable web applications.
Don't worry, though; everyone new to this site is still learning Elm, and you'll have all the time and support you need to become proficient in it.
Enjoy being surrounded by your coworkers and having direct conversations with members of your team and those in other departments.
Are at ease speaking in English and excited to work for a multicultural organisation (we have 12 different nationalities in Product alone).
About the team:
Working with knowledgeable and innovative coworkers in a multicultural setting that supports individuals in realising their ideas can truly help you build a product that adds significant value for our clients.
Our team of 25 skilled product specialists, including developers, designers, testers, and product managers, collaborates to identify and implement the best solutions for the most significant possibilities that benefit our users and the company as a whole.
Our standard operating procedure involves face-to-face collaboration since we feel that this produces the greatest outcomes for our users' personal development as well as for everyone else.
Rather than working remotely, we thus chose to collaborate in person at our Malmö office.
We make significant investments in ongoing education through frequent hackdays, book circles, and information-sharing gatherings.
About PinMeTo:
PinMeTo facilitates a business's discovery, finding, and verification across the largest social networking, map, and search platforms.
Our product department at our head office in Malmö, Sweden, has developed a platform of web apps that make up our SaaS offering.
Please submit your application if this position interests you we would be pleased to provide you with further information.
We assume you live in the Malmö, Sweden area, as this is a full-time position situated there.
Please be aware of this.
We are eager to learn more about you! Job Title:
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Quality Assurance Engineer (PHP) Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved By ApplyAtJob

Read the full job description and apply online on the recuiter's web-site

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