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Neuropsychologue H/F - Maisons Hospitalières de SénartDate de publication :
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Espace Famille & Couple, 5 Quai de la Ruelle, 77590 Bois-le-Roi puis 60 rue du Laiton Savigny-le-TempleLes Maisons Hospitalières de Sénart, établissement sanitaire psychiatrique privé à but non lucratif, ouvrira ses portes au 2ème semestre 2024 et comprendra trois unités de soins :
La Maison Partenaires (55 lits) :
hospitalisation complèteL'Espace de Jour Réhab (25 places) :
hôpital de jourL'objectif majeur du futur site est d'accompagner le virage inclusif de la psychiatrie, en créant une offre de soins et d'accompagnement pour les personnes ayant connu des troubles psychiques, en s'appuyant sur le concept de « rétablissement ».Sous la responsabilité du Médecin coordonnateur et du Cadre Supérieure de Santé, le/la neuropsychologue participera aux soins prodigués aux patients de l'établissement en individuel et en groupe.Principales fonctions :
Réalisation des bilans psychométriques et neurocognitifsPrise en charge en remédiation cognitive individuelleMise en place d'ateliers thérapeutiques à visée de remédiation cognitiveMise en place d'ateliers thérapeutiques à visée d'entraînement aux habiletés socialesCréation d'activités thérapeutiques de groupe en fonction des compétences du soignantParticipation aux réunions d'équipe et à la réflexion commune sur l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre du projet de soinsRédaction d'observations et de compte-rendu pour le dossier patient informatiséEntretien et développement du réseau de partenaires dans le domaine de la réhabilitation psychosocialeParticiper à la démarche qualité et gestion des risquesProfil recherché :
Formation - Expérience :
Master 2 en neuropsychologieIntérêt pour la réhabilitation psychosociale et pour la cliniqueIntérêt pour l'éducation thérapeutiqueConnaissances techniques souhaitées :
Remédiation cognitive, bilans et accompagnement individuel et groupalSavoir-Etre :
Travail de supervision personnelle appréciéCapacité d'initiative, créativité, sens de l'écouteMerci d'adresser votre dossier de candidature (lettre de motivation et CV) à l'attention de Mme ASSOUMANI Bilinda - Chantemerle - 5 Quai de la Ruelle 77590 BOIS LE ROI ou par mail :

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Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable régional des ventes

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...