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QUI SOMMES NOUS ? Althéa est un cabinet de conseil en Management créé depuis plus de 19ans spécialisé sur 4 métiers :
la RH, la Finance, les Achats et les opérations.Althéa réalise plus de 28 millions d'euros de CA et regroupe plus de 250 consultants.
Nous avons plus de 500 références clients sur tous les secteurs d'activités tant privé que public.Notre activité est réalisée à 60% sur les grands comptes de type CAC 40 et 40% sur le middle-market.Implanté à Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Aix, Niort, Rennes, Althéa dispose également d'une task-force internationale pour accompagner ses clients sur les phases de Roll out et de change sur les projets.Nous accompagnons nos clients sur leurs projets de transformation de leur organisation et de leurs systèmes d'information, nous intervenons sur des périmètres suivants :
• Stratégie Amont :
Schéma directeurs, aide au choix,• Accompagnement projet AMOA :
Assistance au pilotage projet et mise en production,• Change Management :
Stratégie de déploiement & conduite du changement,• Machine Learning (IA) et RPA :
Automatisation de processus métier.DESCRIPTION DU POSTE :
Dans le cadre du déploiement de notre stratégie Shape 2025, nous recherchons des consultant(e)s Senior pour accompagner les Directions des Ressources Humaines sur leurs projets de transformation digitale.
Vous rejoindrez l'équipe People & Transformation Force Management dans le but participer au pilotage de projets innovants en gestion des fonctions transverses.VOTRE MISSION :
• Intervenir sur l'alignement Stratégique de la DRH.• Participation à la réalisation d'études d'opportunités & Business Case.• Construction des schémas Directeurs Organisationnels & SIRH.• Réaliser le cadrage de projet (Benchmark)• Piloter des projets SIRH, de la conception à la recette et au déploiement.• Conduire le changement sur les projets de transformation en Développement RH.• Accompagner le déploiement en France et à l'international des solutions SIRH.VOTRE PROFIL :
• De formation Bac + 5, avec un minimum de 3 ans d'expérience sur des sujets similaires serait un plus.• Attiré(e), par les enjeux de ce métier et les impacts de la transformation digitale et de la data, vous souhaitez monter en compétences sur ces sujets.• Vous êtes autonome, rigoureux(se), proactif(ve).• Vous disposez un bon relationnel et un fort sens du travail en équipe.• Vous avez à cœur de rejoindre une équipe à taille humaine, dynamique et en forte croissance.• Vous possédez l'esprit entrepreneurial.CE QUE NOUS APPORTONS :
Des valeurs et du sens à votre travail !Au-delà des avantages que proposent tous les cabinets du marché - tels que la flexibilité au travail, des missions enrichissantes, la mobilité géographique, des activités internes telles que des soirées/afterworks, une rémunération variable motivante, des formations, une mutuelle/prévoyance, une indemnité repas ou un restaurant d'entreprise, des RTT -Nous souhaitons chez Althéa mettre en avant l'aspect le plus apprécié par nos collaborateurs :
leur offrir un environnement de travail sain, exempt de politique interne et de rivalité entre associés.
Les valeurs d'honnêteté, d'écoute et de transparence sont les piliers fondamentaux d'Althéa.
Cette ambiance et ces principes sont ressentis et valorisés au quotidien par nos collaborateurs, leur offrant ainsi un cadre idéal pour donner du sens à leur travail et progresser de manière constante.Voici deux exemples concrets de cette approche :
• Tout collaborateur a la possibilité de demander à participer au Codir ALTHEA ou au Codir de son pôle d'activité pour mieux comprendre la gouvernance et les processus décisionnels, et ainsi mieux appréhender la gestion du cabinet.
Cette initiative est unique dans le monde du conseil.• Chaque mois, nous organisons des "Meet&Tchat Consultants".
Deux associés du cabinet convient entre 10 et 12 consultants à discuter en fin de journée autour d'un verre, dans un cadre chaleureux propice aux échanges.
Ils répondent à toutes les interrogations sans tabou et avec une totale transparence.De même, des Meet&Tchat sont organisés et sont toujours très appréciés tant par nos collaborateurs que par les associés.VOTRE REMUNERATION• Rémunération fixe :
Attractive.• Rémunération variable :
Attractive et déplafonnée, basée sur les résultats.

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Sales Manager

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Gestionnaire de compte

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Market Access Manager, France Benelux France Remote

Jazz Pharmaceuticals

  • FR - Lyon

  • January 6, 2025

If you are a current Jazz employee please apply via the Internal Career site. • Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (NASDAQ: • JAZZ) is a global biopharmaceutical company whose purpose is to innovate to transform the lives of patients and their families. • We are dedicated to developing life-changing medicines...

Sales Manager Chef de Secteur

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Représentant commercial

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

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Thank you for your interest in working for our Company. • Recruiting the right talent is crucial to our goals. • On April 1, 2024, 3M Healthcare underwent a corporate spin-off leading to the creation of a new company named Solventum. • We are still in the process of updating our Careers Page and...

Responsable des ventes

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable commercial terrain

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur commercial retail

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Chef de Secteur

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur commercial

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Sales Manager

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Chargé de développement commercial

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Chargé de développement commercial

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable régional des ventes

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur commercial distribution

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable régional des ventes

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de clientèle

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Gestionnaire de compte

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Sales Manager Chef de Secteur

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Responsable de secteur commercial retail

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...

Développement des ventes

Procter and Gamble

Job Location Grenoble Do you want to work on iconic brands like Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, Head & Shoulders or Oral-B? Have responsibilities from Day 1? Join a company that will heavily invest in you and your growth? Have a rich career and rapid prospects for development? All within a dynamic company...