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Domtar est un chef de file dans la fabrication de pâte, de papier, d'emballage, de papier tissu et de produits du bois.
Grâce à notre engagement envers la sécurité et le développement durable, ainsi que l'excellence opérationnelle et notre réseau diversifié d'installations au Canada et aux États-Unis, nous offrons à nos clients du monde entier des produits de haute qualité à des prix concurrentiels.
La scierie de Senneterre est l'une des plus grandes de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue et de l'Outaouais.
Les quelque 200 membres de notre personnel sont fiers de contribuer à l'essor du marché de la construction et de la rénovation nord-américain et outre-mer.
Notre secteur de scierie est à la fine pointe de la technologie et celui du rabotage le sera bientôt, grâce à un investissement de plus de 37M$.
Par ailleurs, au printemps 2022, nous avons acquis la centrale thermique voisine, ce qui nous permettra, dans un avenir rapproché, d'augmenter considérablement notre capacité de séchage.
Ces investissements feront de Senneterre une installation de Domtar parmi les plus importantes qui soient au Québec.
Notre établissement est à la recherche de personnes qualifiées en vue de pourvoir un poste de Journalier de production.
Il s'agit d'un poste permanent à temps plein.
Allez, viens prendre racine dans notre belle équipe!
• Prime de relocalisation offerte
• Vous pourriez recevoir jusqu'à 10,000$ ainsi qu'une aide au déménagement pour vous relocaliser près de votre lieu de travail.
Ce que tu gagnes à travailler avec nous :
Un salaire de base à 29,35 $/h; Bonus de production 1 $/h minimum; La possibilité de faire du temps supplémentaire payé à temps et demi; Une gamme complète d'assurances collectives; Régime de retraite avec participation de l'employeur; Programme d'aide aux employés et aux familles; Un club social qui t'offre un large éventail d'activités à réaliser avec tes collègues et ta famille; Un milieu de travail basé sur le respect, l'inclusion et la diversité.
Quelles seront tes responsabilités :
Nettoyer certains secteurs de l'usine et maintenir votre environnement propre et sécuritaire; Opérer et surveiller divers équipements de production dans nos départements; Assurer la qualité des produits selon nos standards et les exigences des clients; Appliquer les procédures requises en santé et sécurité, en environnement et selon la norme ISO.
Ton profil :
Tu possèdes un secondaire 3 minimum ou un DEP ou TDG; Tu es disponible pour un horaire sur rotation (jour-soir-nuit); Tu es reconnu comme une personne sécuritaire ne faisant aucun compromis pour la sécurité.
« L'usage du masculin dans ce document n'a pour seul but que d'alléger le texte.
» Domtar s'est fermement engagée à accorder une importance accrue aux principes d'équité, de diversité et d'inclusion pour donner à l'ensemble de son personnel les moyens de se réaliser pleinement.
Nous formons une équipe dynamique aux horizons variés et dont la richesse de points de vue constitue l'une des clés de notre succès.
Nous offrons un milieu de travail inclusif, valorisant, sécuritaire et riche en occasions de développement qui te permettront d'accroître tes compétences.
Notre scierie est en plein cœur de la ville de Senneterre, près de tous les services.
Tu pourras venir travailler à pied ou à vélo toute l'année.
Senneterre est située en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, dans la Municipalité régionale de comté de La Vallée-de-l'Or.
Métropole accueillante et chaleureuse de près de 3 000 habitants et d'une superficie de 16 524 kilomètres carrés, Senneterre est la troisième ville en importance du Québec.
On y compte d'innombrables grands espaces, lacs et rivières pour pratiquer toutes sortes d'activités, été comme hiver.
Tu souhaites venir t'établir à Senneterre pour travailler chez Domtar? Consulte ces sites pour obtenir plus d'information :

/tourisme-abitibi-temiscamingue.org/# Pour en savoir davantage sur la société, consultez notre site internet et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn, Instagram et Twitter.

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Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

  • CA - Hope

  • January 29, 2025

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

  • CA - Banff

  • January 21, 2025

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

  • CA - Trail

  • January 21, 2025

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Partenaire principal en développement organisationnel, Amérique du Nord

Alcoa Canada

  • CA - Quebec - Quebec - Montreal

  • January 23, 2025

Shape Your WorldAt Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: • to turn raw potential into real progress. • The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper. • Voici l'occasion pour vous de mettre à contribution votre riche...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

ESL Private Tutoring


Company ProfileSuperprof is Canada's #1 tutoring platform, and we're actively recruiting passionate tutors! Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves teaching, join the largest community of tutors worldwide. • With Superprof, you can set your own rates, choose...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Arithmetic Private Tutoring


Company ProfileSuperprof is Canada's #1 tutoring platform, and we're actively recruiting passionate tutors! Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves teaching, join the largest community of tutors worldwide. • With Superprof, you can set your own rates, choose...

Geometry Private Tutoring


Company ProfileSuperprof is Canada's #1 tutoring platform, and we're actively recruiting passionate tutors! Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves teaching, join the largest community of tutors worldwide. • With Superprof, you can set your own rates, choose...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...

Writer/Journalist Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide

Borgen Project

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! • The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. • With 20 years of experience in the advocacy...