Card 201 / 204: Your new product is quite expensive to produce and bring to market. You are considering whether or not to do market research for determining the best ways in which to approach your marketing strategy. However, primary research is expensive; you feel that secondary research should be sufficient. Is this a bad approach? Why, or why not?
It is not a bad approach. Using all types of secondary data should provide the information necessary for your marketing decisions.
It is a bad approach. Conducting primary research will enable you to better understand your market and reduce your risks. Secondary data cannot be relied upon to provide accurate data.
It is not a bad approach. As long as you can obtain quantitative secondary data, you should have enough information to meet your research needs.
It is a bad approach. Your competition may have used this very same secondary data, which will result in a similar marketing approach.
It is not a bad approach. As long as you can obtain current qualitative date, you should have enough information to meet your research needs.
B) It is a bad approach. Conducting primary research will enable you to better understand your market and reduce your risks. Secondary data cannot be relied upon to provide accurate data.
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