Card 15 / 34: 8 month old female puppy presents with acute vomiting (12 hours) after getting into the garbage the previous day. The vomit initially contained food, pieces of plastic, steak scraps and other assorted bits of garbage. Dog does not have diarrhea and is bright and alert. She is current on her vaccinations.and was dewormed . The PE exam did not give any significant findings other than a slight a slight dehydration based on skin turgor. What is the next step?
diagnose this as gastric enteritis. NPO then start ice cubes and small amounts of water . If vomiting stops after 12 -14 hrs can start bland diet.
do a barium contrast study radiograph to find out if there is any garbage left
run a urinalysis and fecal exam
run a Chem panel and CBC
run all of the diagnostic tests above and convince your client to do an MRI and CT scan because the most important thing in veterinary medicine is the animals health not your clients bill
A) diagnose this as gastric enteritis. NPO then start ice cubes and small amounts of water . If vomiting stops after 12 -14 hrs can start bland diet.
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