Card 11 / 13: How would you calculate the number of rows and columns you would need in order to start building a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for a specific purpose?
You wouldn't need to calculate this figure, because the parameter required for any spreadsheet is always 100 rows by 100 columns.
You would decide how many rows and columns you would need for a specific purpose, and then you would add one row and one column to this figure so that your rows and columns would have headings.
You would pick numbers at random, since the numbers of rows and columns in a spreadsheet doesn't really matter.
You would always start with 50 rows and 50 columns, since any other number won't allow for an input.
B) You would decide how many rows and columns you would need for a specific purpose, and then you would add one row and one column to this figure so that your rows and columns would have headings.
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