Card 26 / 28: Discuss the development of the vertebrae, ribs, and sternum.
The vertebrae, ribs, and sternum all develop via the process of endochondral ossification. Mesenchyme tissue from the sclerotome portion of the somites accumulates on either side of the notochord and produces hyaline cartilage models for each vertebra. In the thorax region, a portion of this cartilage model splits off to form the ribs. Similarly, mesenchyme forms cartilage models for the right and left halves of the sternum. The ribs then become attached anteriorly to the developing sternum, and the two halves of sternum fuse together. Ossification of the cartilage model into bone occurs within these structures over time. This process continues until each is converted into bone, except for the sternal ends of the ribs, which remain as the costal cartilages.
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