Card 7 / 54: An experiment had subjects either (Forecaster Group) hear about an individual make a racist comment or (Experiencer Group) actually be present when an individual made a racist comment. Then, these subjects were asked how they felt and whether they would select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner for an anagram task. The findings from this study were, in general, that
subjects in both Groups felt bad about the comment, and did not tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner
subjects in both Groups felt bad about the comment, but still tended to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner
subjects in the Forecaster Group felt bad about the comment and did not tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner, but subjects in the Experiencer Group felt ok about the comment and did tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner
subjects in the Experiencer Group felt bad about the comment and did not tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner, but subjects in the Forecaster Group felt ok about the comment and did tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner
C) subjects in the Forecaster Group felt bad about the comment and did not tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner, but subjects in the Experiencer Group felt ok about the comment and did tend to select the individual who made the racist comment as a partner
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