What is data? What is Information? Where do computers fit into the data and information world?
Csc1010 - introduction
This is the "introduction" to the Introduction of Computing. We explore the differences between data, knowledge, and information and their uses. There is a short exercise at the end of the module.
This is the "introduction" to the Introduction of Computing. We explore the differences between data, knowledge, and information and their uses. This is a short exercise at the end of the module.
What is data?
What is information?
What is knowledge?
What’s the difference?
One perspective from Bob Boiko of the University of Washington (video)
Give your own example of valid data producing invalid information.
Explore the
Information is Beautiful website and find a visualization, either in the blog or the Our Data section, that you think does a particularly good job of turning data into information. Why did you choose this particular item, and what makes it so good?