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If you succeed in touching the line, you should hear "Diagonal line." Pressing Ctrl+d should then result in a voice saying "Diagonal line Description of diagonal line."
The difficulty of touching the line is one illustration of the need for a large touchpad for use with IVEO. If this same drawing were enlarged to fit on the11x14 inch IVEO touchpad, the line would be much thicker and easier to touch.
The border rectangle
There is a good possibility that when you attempted to touch the line, you heard "Border rectangle" instead of "Diagonal line." This is because all of the area within the rectangular border not covered by one of the other objects belongs to the rectangular object thatforms the border.
If you did hear "Border rectangle" and you were to press Ctrl+d , you should hear "Border rectangle Description of border rectangle."
The document title
If you press the d key atany time, you should hear "Document title Description of the document." This is the same thing that you should have heard when the SVG file was opened in the IVEO Viewer .
The words that are spoken when you touch an object or press Ctrl+d are defined by the author of the SVG file when the file is created. The purpose is to provideinformation that can't easily be provided solely through tactile means.
In other words, there is a limit to the amount of information about a drawing or animage that can be provided solely through touch. For the blind student, IVEO makes it possible to supplement the tactile information with additional information that isdelivered by voice. Thus, a blind student has access to both tactile and audible information when exploring the drawing.
If a student has low vision but still has some ability to see the screen, visual information is also presented in the form of the drawingon the screen. The low-vision student may be able to explore the drawing using a mouse and receive the same audible information and may not need a touchpad. Thus, a low-vision student has access to tactile,audible, and visual information.
Not much information in this demonstration file
I was the author of this demonstration SVG file. Because it is a demonstration, I didn't include much real information inthe audible realm. My objective was simply to give your an opportunity to see how the system works.
As you read earlier in the article titled Accessing Graphical Information with IVEO SVG , the IVEO System provides some other features as well. However, now that you have reached this point, you can explore those other features onyour own. Just remember that some features, such as zooming for example, probably can't be demonstrated with a small digitizing tablet.
I will publish a module containing consolidated links to resources on my Connexions web page and will update and add to the list as additional modulesin this collection are published.
Listing 2 contains the Java code to produce the SVG file needed for this demonstration.
Listing 2 . Complete listing of the program named Svg23.java. |
/*File Svg23.java,
The purpose of this program is to demonstrate how to usemy graphics library named SvgLib21 to create a simple
SVG file that can be used with a small Wacom digitizertablet with the IVEO learning system.
All dimensions are written in terms of width and height.Therefore, the only change that should be needed is to
change the hard-coded values for width and height ininches where indicated.
*********************************************************/import java.io.*;
import org.jdom.*;public class Svg23{
public static void main(String[]args){
//DO NOT MODIFY ANY OF THE CODE ABOVE THIS LINE.//##################################################//
*This must be the first statement that you write in*the program and it must appear only once.
*The following statement creates a canvas that is*8.5x11 inches in size in a portrait layout. The
*size was chosen to match my printer page size.*I will actually restrict the size of my drawing
*to 5.0x3.62 inches by drawing a border rectangle of*that size and then drawing everything inside that
*rectangle. This size was chosen to match the size*of my Wacom digitizer pad. The title is "Document
*Title", which will be spoken by IVEO when the*SVG file is loaded into IVEO.*/
Element svg = SvgLib21.makeSvg(ns,"Document Title",
//This statement must immediately follow the call to// the makeSvg method above and this statement MUST
// NOT BE MODIFIED.Document doc = new Document(svg,docType);/**
*Add a description element to the document.*The description can be spoken in IVEO by pressing
*the d key.*/
ns,"Description of the document");//Change the following two values to the width and
// the height of your digitizing pad in inches.double width = 5.0;
double height = 3.62;/**
*Draw a border rectangle whose size defines the*working area that will be processed in IVEO. Avoid
*the edges of the page in order to avoid potential*issues with printing near the edges of the page.
*The lower left corner of this rectangle is located*at x=1 inch and y=1 inch. The width is 5 inches
*and the height is 3.62 inches. The title is*"Border rectangle". The title can be spoken in
*IVEO by selecting the object. The default stroke*width is one pixel. It should be left that way
*to provide for more accurate triming of the printed*version of the drawing. A printed and embossed
*version of the drawing will be required along with*the digitizer pad to use this file with IVEO.
*Don't make any changes to the following code.*/
Element borderRectangle = SvgLib21.makeRect(svg,
ns,"Border rectangle",
*Add a description element to the border rectangle.*The description can be spoken in IVEO by first
*selecting the border rectangle and then pressing*Ctrl+d.
"Description of borderRectangle");/**
*Draw a circle with a radius of 1 inch centered in*the left half of the border rectangle. Remember
*that the border rectangle has been offset by one*inch in both the horizontal and vertical directions
*to avoid potential printing problems at the edge*of the paper. The title is "circle".
*Don't make any changes to the following code.*/
Element theCircle = SvgLib21.makeCircle(svg,ns,
*Set the stroke width of the circle to 0.05 inch.*With the exception of the border rectangle, this
*is probably the minimum width to use for any shape*to help ensure that you can locate the line with
*your fingers.*/
SvgLib21.setStrokeWidth(theCircle,0.05);/***Add a description element to theCircle.
"Description of the circle.");/**
*Draw a triangle that is centered in the right half*of the border rectangle.
*/Element theTriangle = SvgLib21.makePolygon(
"triangle",new double[]{1+9*width/16,2.0,
*Set the stroke width of the theTriangle to*0.05 inch.
*Add a description element to theTriangle.*/
ns,"Description of the triangle.");/**
*Draw a line from the lower-left to the upper-right*corner of the border rectangle.
*/Element diagonalLine = SvgLib21.makeLine(
"Diagonal line",1.0,
/***Set the stroke width of the diagonal line
*to 0.05 inch.*/
SvgLib21.setStrokeWidth(diagonalLine,0.05);/***Add a description element to diagonalLine.
"Description of the diagonal line.");/***Draw text with a size of 20 points and an arial
*font face in the upper-left corner of the drawing.*/
Element textA = SvgLib21.makeText(svg,
20,"This is a text object."
*Draw a circular marker for pseudo-text below*the theTriangle. The text is spoken in IVEO by
*selecting the marker. The purpose of pseudo-text*markers is to reduce the clutter and overlap that
*can occur when there is a need for a lot of text*in the drawing or there is a need for text objects
*that overlap one another.*/
Element textMarker = SvgLib21.makeCircle(svg,
ns,"This is pseudo-text identified by a text marker.",
/***Set the stroke width of the textMarker to 0.05 inch.
/***Write the output file
*/SvgLib21.writePrettyFile("Svg23",doc);//ONLY THE CODE ABOVE THIS LINE CAN BE MODIFIED
//##################################################////DO NOT MODIFY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CODE.
}//end main//----------------------------------------------------//
//Create a String variable containing the namespace// URI to reduce the amount of typing that is required
// later. Note that the variable name is short and// easy to type.
static String ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";//For clarity, create strings containing the name of// the element that is constrained by the DTD (the
// root element), the Public ID of the DTD, and the// System ID of the DTD.
static String dtdConstrainedElement = "svg";static String dtdPublicID = "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN";
static String dtdSystemID ="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd";static DocType docType = new DocType(
dtdConstrainedElement,dtdPublicID,dtdSystemID);}}//end class Svg23 |
Listing 3 contains the commands for a batch file that can be used, with modifications, to compileand run the program named Svg23.java . See If You Can Imagine It, You Can Draw It using SVG for instructions on how to use the batch file.
Listing 3 . Batch file to compile and run the program named Svg23.java. |
set classpath=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdom-1.1.1\build\jdom.jardel *.class
del Svg23.svgjavac SvgLib21.java
javac Svg23.javajava Svg23
start Firefox.exe Svg23.svgpause |
This section contains a variety of miscellaneous information.
Financial : Although the openstax CNX site makes it possible for you to download a PDF file for the collection that contains thismodule at no charge, and also makes it possible for you to purchase a pre-printed version of the PDF file, you should beaware that some of the HTML elements in this module may not translate well into PDF.
You also need to know that Prof. Baldwin receives no financial compensation from openstax CNX even if you purchase the PDF version of the collection.
In the past, unknown individuals have copied Prof. Baldwin's modules from cnx.org, converted them to Kindle books, and placed them for sale on Amazon.com showing Prof. Baldwin as the author.Prof. Baldwin neither receives compensation for those sales nor does he know who doesreceive compensation. If you purchase such a book, please be aware that it is a copy of a collection that is freelyavailable on openstax CNX and that it was made and published without the prior knowledge of Prof. Baldwin.
Affiliation : Prof. Baldwin is a professor of Computer Information Technology at Austin Community College in Austin, TX.
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