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Print off your graphs and use the data to determine the initial and final temperatures. Record all the temperatures to the nearest 0.1 °C . If a slight downward trend appears on the final temperature plateau, use the maximum value achieved. Calculate the average enthalpy of the reaction and standard deviation for the three trials. Then combine your data with the data obtained from the rest of the group and calculate average enthalpy of the reaction and standard deviation for all trials together. Compare your average and standard deviation with that of the larger set and comment on the results obtained using a larger data set.
The same basic procedure you used in the dry ice sublimation lab will be used here today.
Note: Since anhydrous absorbs moisture rapidly from the air, close the lids of the bottles securely immediately after using. Dry the spatula each time before weighing the powder and clean the balance of any solid.
Calculations are similar to those done for the acid-base neutralization reaction. The calculation of is the same as the calculation of , that is:
qwater can be calculated using water’s specific heat, mass of water and temperature change of water solution:
In order to account for the mass of anhydrous or hexahydrate, divide by the mass of anhydrous or to get in J/g. Then convert to J/mol.
Hot packs and cold packs are a real life example of thermochemistry. Anhydrous magnesium sulfate and ammonium chloride can be used to make“hot/cold”packs similar to those used for sports injuries and in hospitals. Your TA will make a pack from each of the two compounds and pass them around and answer some fundamental thermochemical questions about the reactions involved.
Pass the packs around to students and observe the temperature change.
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