Using some smart choices for
and a little bit of algebraic manipulation, we can find two linearly independent, real-value solutions to
[link] and express our general solution in those terms.
We encountered exponential functions with complex exponents earlier. One of the key tools we used to express these exponential functions in terms of sines and cosines was
Euler’s formula , which tells us that
for all real numbers
Going back to the general solution, we have
Applying Euler’s formula together with the identities
we get
Now, if we choose
the second term is zero and we get
as a real-value solution to
[link] . Similarly, if we choose
the first term is zero and we get
as a second, linearly independent, real-value solution to
[link] .
Based on this, we see that if the characteristic equation has complex conjugate roots
then the general solution to
[link] is given by
are constants.
For example, the differential equation
has the associated characteristic equation
By the quadratic formula, the roots of the characteristic equation are
Therefore, the general solution to this differential equation is
Summary of results
We can solve second-order, linear, homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients by finding the roots of the associated characteristic equation. The form of the general solution varies, depending on whether the characteristic equation has distinct, real roots; a single, repeated real root; or complex conjugate roots. The three cases are summarized in
[link] .
Summary of characteristic equation cases
Characteristic Equation Roots
General Solution to the Differential Equation
Distinct real roots,
A repeated real root,
Complex conjugate roots
Problem-solving strategy: using the characteristic equation to solve second-order differential equations with constant coefficients
Write the differential equation in the form
Find the corresponding characteristic equation
Either factor the characteristic equation or use the quadratic formula to find the roots.
Determine the form of the general solution based on whether the characteristic equation has distinct, real roots; a single, repeated real root; or complex conjugate roots.
Solving second-order equations with constant coefficients
Find the general solution to the following differential equations. Give your answers as functions of
x .
Note that all these equations are already given in standard form (step 1).
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). This factors into
so the roots of the characteristic equation are
(step 3). Then the general solution to the differential equation is
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). Applying the quadratic formula, we see this equation has complex conjugate roots
(step 3). Then the general solution to the differential equation is
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). This factors into
so the characteristic equation has a repeated real root
(step 3). Then the general solution to the differential equation is
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). This factors into
so the roots of the characteristic equation are
(step 3). Note that
so our first solution is just a constant. Then the general solution to the differential equation is
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). This factors into
so the roots of the characteristic equation are
(step 3). Then the general solution to the differential equation is
The characteristic equation is
(step 2). This has complex conjugate roots
(step 3). Note that
so the exponential term in our solution is just a constant. Then the general solution to the differential equation is