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In this module, you learned how to darken, brighten, and tint the colors in a Picture object.
You will probably learn more than you already know about interfaces, arrays of type Object, etc., in the next module.
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Affiliation : I am a professor of Computer Information Technology at Austin Community College in Austin, TX.
A complete listing of the program discussed in this module is shown in Listing 10 below.
Listing 10 . Complete program listing. |
/*File Prob04 Copyright 2008 R.G.Baldwin
*********************************************************/import java.awt.Color;
public class Prob04{public static void main(String[] args){Prob04Runner obj = new Prob04Runner();
obj.run();}//end main
}//end class Prob04//======================================================//
class Prob04Runner{public Prob04Runner(){//constructor
System.out.println("Display your name here.");}//end constructor
//----------------------------------------------------//public void run(){
Picture skater = new Picture("Prob04a.bmp");skater.explore();
skater = crop(skater,6,59,392,293);Picture hole = new Picture("Prob04b.bmp");
hole.explore();hole = crop(hole,6,59,392,293);
Picture snowScene = new Picture("Prob04c.jpg");snowScene.explore();
snowScene = crop(snowScene,6,59,392,293);//Make all the pixels darker in the snow scene except
// for those in the location of the hole. Make them// brighter.
darkenBackground(hole,snowScene);//Apply a red tint to the skater
redTint(skater);//Draw the skater on the snowScene.
greenScreenDraw(skater,snowScene,0,0);//Display students name on the final output and
// display it.snowScene.addMessage("Display your name here.",10,15);
}//end run method//----------------------------------------------------//
//Assumes the source has a pure green background.// Applies a red tint to every pixel that is not pure
// green.private void redTint(Picture pic){
Pixel[]pixels = pic.getPixels();
Color color = null;int red = 0;
int green = 0;int blue = 0;
for(int cnt = 0;cnt<pixels.length;cnt++){
color = pixels[cnt].getColor();
//Apply a red tint to all non-green pixelsif(!(color.equals(Color.GREEN))){
//Increase the value of the red componentred = color.getRed();
red = (int)(red * 1.25);}else{
red = 255;}//end else
//Decrease the value of blue and greengreen = (int)(color.getGreen()*0.8);
blue = (int)(color.getBlue()*0.8);//Apply the new color to the pixel.
pixels[cnt].setColor(new Color(red,green,blue));
}//end if}//end for loop
}//end redTint//----------------------------------------------------//
//Assumes the pattern image has a pure green background.// Assumes that the pattern and the destination have the
// same dimensions. Darkens every pixel in the// destination that is at the location of a green pixel
// in the pattern. Applies a red tint to every pixel// in the destination that is at the location of a
// non-green pixel in the patternprivate void darkenBackground(
Picture pattern,Picture dest){
Pixel[]patternPixels = pattern.getPixels();
Pixel[]destPixels = dest.getPixels();
Color color = null;int red = 0;
int green = 0;int blue = 0;
for(int cnt = 0;cnt<patternPixels.length;cnt++){
color = patternPixels[cnt].getColor();
if(color.equals(Color.GREEN)){//Darken corresponding pixel in the destination.
color = destPixels[cnt].getColor();
}else{//Apply a red tint to the corresponding pixel in
// the destination.color = destPixels[cnt].getColor();red = color.getRed();
red = (int)(red * 1.25);}else{
red = 255;}//end else
green = (int)(color.getGreen() * 0.8);blue = (int)(color.getBlue() * 0.8);
destPixels[cnt].setColor(new Color(red,green,blue));
}//end else}//end for loop
}//end darkenBackground//----------------------------------------------------//
//Assumes a source image with a pure green background.// Copies all non-green pixels from the source image to
// the destination image at the location explained// below. Note that JPEG images typically won't have
// a pure green background even if they had a pure// green background before being compressed into the
// JPEG format. BMP images work well for this.private void greenScreenDraw(
Picture source,Picture dest,
//Place the upper-left corner// of the source image at the
// following location in the// destination image.
int destX,int destY){
int width = source.getWidth();int height = source.getHeight();
Pixel pixel = null;Color color = null;
for(int row = 0;row<height;row++){
for(int col = 0;col<width;col++){
color = source.getPixel(col,row).getColor();if(!(color.equals(Color.GREEN))){
pixel = dest.getPixel(destX + col,destY + row);pixel.setColor(color);
}//end if}//end inner loop
}//end outer loop}//end greenScreenDraw
//----------------------------------------------------////Crops a Picture object to the given width and height
// with the upper-left corner located at startCol and// startRow.
private Picture crop(Picture pic,int startCol,int startRow,
int width,int height){
Picture output = new Picture(width,height);int colOut = 0;
int rowOut = 0;int col = 0;
int row = 0;Pixel pixel = null;
Color color = null;for(col = startCol;col<startCol+width;col++){
for(row = startRow;row<startRow+height;row++){
color = pic.getPixel(col,row).getColor();pixel = output.getPixel(colOut,rowOut);
}//end inner looprowOut = 0;
colOut++;}//end outer loop
return output;}//end crop
}//end class Prob04Runner |
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