Slide 9: the 2001 climate survey
at rice university: a summary
Number of responses by rank and gender
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Full Professor
The full roster of 466 faculty members – current as of spring 2003 – was surveyed. Approximately 204 faculty members responded, for a response rate of 46%.
Men and women responded to the survey almost in proportion to their representation on the faculty:
~ 24% of faculty were women
~ 29% of respondents were women
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 10: the 2001 climate survey at rice university:
On many of the “objective” measures (i.e., salary, start-up), no gender differences emerge.
There are significant differences between how male and female faculty members perceive Rice, the quality of Rice as a workplace, and their level of satisfaction with Rice.
In almost every category, female faculty members are less satisfied with their Rice work experience, and have higher levels of active dissatisfaction.
The differences are not enormous, but they are clearly systematic and significant.
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 11: overall faculty satisfaction with rice by gender
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 12: actual teaching load by gender
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 13: new courses by gender over the past 5 years
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 14: satisfaction with distribution of committee responsibilities
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 15: positive climate dimensions by gender
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 16: negative climate dimensions by gender
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 17: perceived tokenism by rank and gender
Directly from Climate Report
Slide 18: important questions to consider
How do we get more women into the STEM recruitment pool?
How do we increase our acceptance rates?
How will we know when we have done a “good job”?
Why do the climate differences exist?
Is this a general phenomenon or is it something particular about Rice University?
What can we do to reduce these differences and increase the positive climate that women experience? Will we see changes in our next survey (scheduled for next year)?
Slide 19: ongoing research and initiatives
Mini-Grant Competition
Margaret Beier, Assistant Professor of Psychology,
Predictors of Majoring in Science and Engineering
Dan Beal, Assistant Professor of Psychology,
Explaining Gender Differences in High Stake Tests
Juan Madera, Randi Martin, and Mikki Hebl, Psychology,
Gender Differences in Letters of Recommendation
Upcoming Projects that are Currently Being Designed
Hebl lab:
Explaining Departures from Rice University: A Gender Analysis
Hebl lab:
Why People Accept or Reject STEM Offers
Slide 20: conclusions
STEM women are increasing.
Stark differences on the Climate Survey were not apparent - objective measures often failed to show differences although subjective measures often showed women reporting lower qualititative experiences.
How STEM is doing differs depending on the comparison group that we use as well as the specific department.
ADVANCE may already be showing some impact.
There are some significant objective disparities.
Salary disparities have diminished substantially in recent years, but there remains work to be done and vigilance to be maintained.
We have a lot of work to do to bring the raw numerical gender balance of our faculty to a satisfactory level. While our situation is not atypical, nor is it acceptable.
We confront even larger and more problematic imbalances in other dimensions – ethnicity and race – which were not the specific target of this study.
We have cultural and work-environment issues on the campus that need to be confronted
The fact that they are subliminal makes it harder.