Teachers Without Borders
2880 74th Avenue, S.E.
Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA
The steps for posting photos or documents to your E-Portfolio are as
- You are already registered for your E-portfolio. Use the same
"username" and "password" that you've used for the Certificate ofTeaching Mastery to "log on" to your E-Portfolio.
- Once you're logged on and you're in the posting area of your
E-Portfolio, you will see your "Name," "Country" and "Email" in the topthree lines on that page.
- Then, scroll down to the section in which you wish to post a document
(i.e. "Photograph of the Teacher.")
- Then, in the "Document to Post" section under it, click "Browse " in
order to look for the file you want to post. Once you've found the file,click on it. You will know that you have done this correctly if the file
name appears in the box to the left of the word "Browse".
- If you choose the wrong file, simply delete the file name by
backspacing over the file name that appears in the box to the left of theword "Browse."
- When you're ready to post your file, click the "Submit" button.
(Important: Wait until you see the words "Successfully Uploaded"appear in red at the top of the page, then proceed with the next step.)
- If you need to post other files, repeat steps 3-6 from above.
- Log out by clicking the "Log out" button on upper right hand side of the
- To see the information and files you just posted as it appears to the
public, go to the opening page of your E-Portfolio. Instead of loggingon as a "User," look at the bottom of the opening page of the E-Portfolio
under "View Portfolios." Choose your name in the "By Teacher Name"section, and press "Go."
To Delete a Document or Replace a Document in Your E-Portfolio with a
New Version
"Log on" to your E-Portfolio and go to the posting area.
Find the section for the document you wish to delete (i.e. "Photograph of theTeacher." ). Press the "Delete" button to the right of that section and the
file will be deleted. A screen will pop up to indicate that the document hasbeen deleted. If you wish to add a new document, simply follow steps 3-9 from
Service project
In Course 5, you will be guided to apply the theory and
practice you gain in Courses 1 - 4 to address a local, national, or globalneed. This is what we call your "Service Project," and it is a requirement
along with your electronic Teaching Portfolio for the Certificate ofTeaching Mastery.
The design and implementation of your Service Project
will be related to one of the topics in Course 5 as follows:
- Early childhood education
- Literacy and numeracy for adult learners
- Environmental education
- Education through the arts
- Girls' education
- Conflict mediation
- Special education
- Community Teaching and Learning Centers
Help (with computer and courses)
We expect that you'll have questions along the way
about the courses and how to use the computer. Please do not be embarrassed toask questions. We like it that way; it is the sign of a good student. If you have
questions, email your Mentor at: mentor@teacherswithoutborders.org