There are some implications of our findings for university leadership programs. One of these is the full consideration for more qualified, mature and experienced teachers in the process of recruitment and admissions. This is also supported by research in Virginia (DiPaola et al., 2003), in which 87% of the participating principals rated graduate school and teaching experience as the top two valuable experiences that helped them perform their jobs. Additionally, in investigating why some licensed individuals did not hold an administrative position, DiPaola et al. (2003) reported that nearly one-half of the participating principals thought these individuals were a poor fit for the position “because of an inappropriate disposition” or “poor judgment or common sense” (p. 58).
Another implication is the reexamination and redesign of the key knowledge, skills and values for effective school leadership covered in the preparation programs because some of the graduates felt underprepared and unconfident to take on administrative challenges as evidenced by this study. The examination and design of the curriculum should be considered as an ongoing process since the student populations and school environments are constantly changing. It is equally important for us to look at other aspects of the process of principal preparation, including “the selection (or, more often, self-selection) of candidates, the pedagogy and delivery methods used in the course” and “the qualifications of the faculty” (Hassenpflug, 2011, p. 24).
The results of our study also raise some additional questions, including: Are eligible candidates more likely to pursue an administrative position if they graduated from more selective colleges? Do the university administrative preparation programs emphasize the key and relevant knowledge, skills and values for effective school leadership? How do we motivate and support eligible candidates to take school leadership positions? What are the special barriers that hinder female candidates from pursuing a school leadership position? More research and investigations are needed to answer all of these important questions.
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