Introduction to leadership and activites for the INNOVATE Conference.
Introduction to leadership
Leadership is an ambiguous term; it is defined
differently depending on cultural beliefs, organizational culture,generations and personal beliefs. To become an effective and
efficient leader, it is important to take all of this intoconsideration. To help understand leadership styles, you can put
leaders on a continuum and look at their strengths and weaknesses.The best example of this would be George W. Bush and the Dalai
Lama. Both leaders are thought to be extremely effective andefficient by many people in their country and from around the world
(note this is just a comparison of different leadership styles) andto analyze their different leadership techniques and styles is
fascinating. What kind of leader do you want to be?
It is important during your INNOVATE
experience to think about the list of leadership skills/attributesand to fill out your personal
Leadership Worksheet . This is a work
in progress and something we hope you continue to modify throughoutyour career and life to develop yourself into a global technical
To begin the Leadership Module, please take
time to write in your journal now about leadership. How do youdefine a leader? What leaders do you admire and why? How do you
think leadership styles compare and contrast in Singapore andJapan?
Enjoy this module!
List of leadership skills/attributes
Life-long learning–the desire to continue learning
throughout life
Emotional intelligence - a term that encompasses soft skills,
focusing on communication and interpersonal skills
Competitive Drive–the desire to keep excelling and
learning, mainly fueled by competition.
High energy level
Ability to see the bigger picture
Ability to learn from one’s failures
Leveraging others to work to their highest potential
Looking at various solutions to a problem
Working toward a larger vision based on shared values and
Social skills
Risk taker - the ability to take oneself out of comfort
Humble self-assessor - honest assessment of one’s
failures, and successes, but more importantly one’s
Open to new ideas
Good listener
The ability to challenge the process
Inspire a shared vision
Enable others to act
Integrity - possessing ambition, competence and a moral
Engaging others by creating shared meaning - empathy,
obsessive communication and the encouragement to dissent
Leadership continuum
Recommended leadership readings
Adler, Nancy J. 2002.
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th
Augustine, Norman J. Augustine’s Travels:
A World-Class Leader Looks at Life Business, and What It
Takes to Succeed at Both.
Bennis, Warren G. and Robert J. Thomas
. 2002. Geeks&Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining
Moments Shape Leaders.
Bennis, Warren G. and Burt Nanus. 1985.
Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge.
Fine, Charles H. 1999.
Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage.
Gardner, Howard. 1995
. Leading Minds.
Goleman, Daniel. 1998.
Working with Emotional Intelligence.
Handy, Charles. 1998.
Beyond Certainty: The Changing World of
Hesselbein, Frances, Marshall Goldsmith and Richard Beckhard,
Eds. 1997.
The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategies and
Practices for the Next.
Katz, Ralph, Ed. 2003.
The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation: A
Collection of Readings.
Kotter, John P. 1996.
Leading Change.
Kotter, John P. 1998.
The Leadership Factor.
Kouzes, James M and Barry Z Posner. 1995
. The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary
Things Done in Organizations, 2nd ed.
Moran, Robert T and Philip R. Harris. 1983. 1983.
Managing Cultural Synergy, 3rd ed.
Northouse, Peter G. l997.
Leadership Theory and Practice.
Rhinesmith, Stephen H. 1992
. A Manager’s Guide to Globalization: Six Keys to
Success in a Changing World.
Trompenaars, Fons and Charles Hampden Turner. 1997.
Riding the Waves of Culture.
Trompenaars, F.&Hampden-Turner, C. 2002.
21 Leaders for the 21st Century: How Innovative Leaders
Manage in the Digital Age.