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What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 5 ?
Note that 6.283185307179586 is a correct numeric value.
Listing 5 . Listing for Question 5. |
public class Ap114{
public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println(
new Worker().twoPI);}//end main()
}//end class Ap114class Worker{
public static final double twoPI= 2 * Math.PI;
}// end class Worker |
What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 6 ?
Note that 6.283185307179586 is a correct numeric value.
Listing 6 . Listing for Question 6. |
public class Ap115{
public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println(Worker.twoPI);
}//end main()}//end class Ap115
class Worker{public static final double twoPI
= 2 * Math.PI;}// end class Worker |
What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 7 ?
Note that 6.283185307179586 is a correct numeric value.
Listing 7 . Listing for Question 7. |
public class Ap116{
public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println(Worker.twoPI);
}//end main()}//end class Ap116
class Worker{public static final double twoPI
= 2 * myPI;public static final double myPI
= Math.PI;}// end class Worker |
What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 8 ?
Listing 8 . Listing for Question 8. |
public class Ap117{
public static void main(String args[]){new Worker().display();
}//end main()}//end class Ap117
class Worker{private int myInt;
private double myDouble;private boolean myBoolean;public void display(){
System.out.print(myInt);System.out.print(" " + myDouble);
System.out.println(" " + myBoolean);
}//end display()}// end class Worker |
What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 9 ?
Listing 9 . Listing for Question 9. |
public class Ap118{
public static void main(String args[]){new Worker().display();
new Worker(5,true).display();System.out.println();
}//end main()}//end class Ap118
class Worker{private int myInt;
private boolean myBoolean;public Worker(int x, boolean y){
myInt = x;myBoolean = y;
}//end parameterized constructorpublic void display(){System.out.print(myInt);
System.out.print(" " + myBoolean + " ");
}//end display()}// end class Worker |
What output is produced by the program shown in Listing 10 ?
Listing 10 . Listing for Question 10. |
public class Ap119{
public static void main(String args[]){new Worker().display();
System.out.print("--- ");new Worker(5,true).display();
System.out.println();}//end main()
}//end class Ap119class Worker{
private int myInt = 100;private double myDouble = 222.0;
private boolean myBoolean;public Worker(){myInt = 20;
}//end noarg constructorpublic Worker(int x, boolean y){myInt = x;
myBoolean = y;}//end parameterized constructorpublic void display(){
System.out.print(myInt + " ");System.out.print(myDouble + " ");
System.out.print(myBoolean + " ");}//end display()}// end class Worker |
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