Hip warm-up
Preparation: stand up straight – feet a hip-width apart – hands on your hips.
Isolate your hips.
Do not move any other part of your body.
Keep your legs and feet still.
Push your right hip out to the side.
Push your left hip out to the side.
Repeat eight times.
Rotate your hips from right to left – full circle – repeat eight times.
Rotate your hips from left to right – full circle – repeat eight times.
Leg warm-up
Walk on the spot in time to the music for eight beats.
Walk forwards for four beats.
Walk backwards for four beats.
Repeat eight times.
Add controlled arm movements as executed in the arm warm-up.Repeat eight times.
Quadriceps warm-up
Stay in one place and lift your knees alternately up and down.
Repeat eight times.
Put your hands on your hips.
Keep your abdominal muscles tight.
Keep your body upright.
Hamstring warm-up
Step to the side with your right leg – facing forward – lift your left leg up behind you – bending it at the knee.
Step to the left side – facing forward – lift your right leg up behind you, bending it at the knee.
Repeat eight times.
Do not lean forward when lifting your leg to the back.
Keep your body straight at all times.
Buttocks warm-up
(Gluteus Maximus):
Preparation: stand with your feet a hip-width apart – arms down at the sides.
Bend your knees – push your buttocks out and lean slightly forward – raise arms up forwards.
Straighten your legs.
Repeat eight times.
Make sure your knees are in line with your toes when you bend your legs.
Keep your heels on the floor.
Do not bow your back – keep your back straight when you lean forward from the waist.
Keep your head in line with your spine
Preparation: press with your whole foot, especially your heels, onto the floor.
This will give you the strength to push up into the air.
Stretch your legs and feet.
Keep your shoulders open and square.
Keep your body straight.
Use every muscle in the sole of your foot.
Work from the heels through to the toes.
When you land, your toes should touch the floor first.
Then carefully lower through your foot to the heel – bending your knees as you land.
Jump from both feet.
Bend knees before jumping.
Straighten knees in mid-jump.
Land on both feet with knees bent.
Jump forward, backwards, right and left.
Jump in time to the music.
Jump from one foot to the other.
jump four times on both feet
jump twice on right foot
jump twice on left foot
jump forwards using alternate feet (four times)
jump backwards using both feet (four times)
repeat eight times
Foot warm-up:
Preparation: stand with your feet a hip-width apart – body straight – arms down at the sides.
Slowly raise your heels and lower – repeat eight times.
Lift your toes – heels on the floor –and lower – repeat eight times.
Combine toe-and-heel raises alternatively eight times.
Keep body straight at all times.
Keep your balance.
Keep your head up looking forward – do not look down (you will fall forward!)!
CREATING, INTERPRETING AND PRESENTING The learner will be able to create, interpret and present work in each of the art forms.
Assessment standard
We know this when the learner:
1.1 in preparing the body, follows a teacher-directed warm-up and skill-developing ritual, with attention to safe use of the body, for example:
- knees aligned over toes when bending;
- articulation (toe-heel-bend) of the feet and bending knees when landing from jumps;
- good posture at all times.