For a Fourier series, the orthogonal basis functions
with frequencies of
For a Taylor'sseries, the nonorthogonal basis functions are simple monomials
, and
for many other expansions they are various polynomials. There areexpansions that use splines and even fractals.
For the
wavelet expansion , a two-parameter system is constructed
such that
[link] becomes
where both
are integer indices and the
the wavelet expansion functions that usually form an orthogonal basis.
The set of expansion coefficients
are called the
wavelet transform (DWT) of
[link] is the inverse transform.
What is a wavelet system?
The wavelet expansion set is not unique. There are many different wavelets
systems that can be used effectively, but all seem to have the following threegeneral characteristics
[link] .
- A wavelet system is a set of
building blocks to construct or
represent a signal or function. It is a two-dimensional expansion set(usually a basis) for some class of one- (or higher) dimensional
signals. In other words, if the wavelet set is given by
for indices of
, a linear expansion would be
for some set of coefficients
- The wavelet expansion gives a time-frequency
localization of the
signal. This means most of the energy of the signal is well representedby a few expansion coefficients,
- The calculation of the coefficients from the signal can be done
efficiently . It turns out that many wavelet transforms (the set of
expansion coefficients) can be calculated with
operations. This means
the number of floating-point multiplications and additions increaselinearly with the length of the signal. More general wavelet transforms
operations, the same as for the fast Fourier
transform (FFT)
[link] .
Virtually all wavelet systems have these very general characteristics.
Where the Fourier series maps a one-dimensional function of a continuousvariable into a one-dimensional sequence of coefficients, the wavelet
expansion maps it into a two-dimensional array of coefficients. We willsee that it is this two-dimensional representation that allows localizing
the signal in both time and frequency. A Fourier series expansionlocalizes in frequency in that if a Fourier series expansion of a signal
has only one large coefficient, then the signal is essentially a singlesinusoid at the frequency determined by the index of the coefficient. The
simple time-domain representation of the signal itself gives thelocalization in time. If the signal is a simple pulse, the location of
that pulse is the localization in time. A wavelet representation willgive the location in both time and frequency simultaneously. Indeed, a
wavelet representation is much like a musical score where the location ofthe notes tells when the tones occur and what their frequencies are.
More specific characteristics of wavelet systems
There are three additional characteristics
[link] ,
[link] that are more
specific to wavelet expansions.
- All so-called first-generation wavelet systems are generated from a single
scaling function or wavelet by simple
scaling and
translation .
The two-dimensional parameterization is achieved from the function(sometimes called the generating wavelet or mother wavelet)
is the set of all integers and the factor
maintains a constant norm independent of scale
. This parameterization
of the time or space location by
and the frequency or scale (actually
the logarithm of scale) by
turns out to be extraordinarily effective.
- Almost all useful wavelet systems also satisfy the
multiresolution conditions. This means that if a set of signals can be represented by a
weighted sum of
, then a larger set (including the original)
can be represented by a weighted sum of
. In other words, if
the basic expansion signals are made half as wide and translated in steps halfas wide, they will represent a larger class of signals exactly or
give a better approximation of any signal.
- The lower resolution coefficients can be calculated from the higher
resolution coefficients by a tree-structured algorithm called a
filter bank . This allows a very efficient calculation of the expansion
coefficients (also known as the discrete wavelet transform) and relateswavelet transforms to an older area in digital signal processing.