This next rubric assess essays that integrate ethical considerations into decision making by means of three tests, reversibility, harm/beneficence, and public identification. The tests can be used as guides in designing ethical solutions or they can be used to evaluate decision alternatives to the problem raised in an ethics case or scenario. Each theory partially encapsulates an ethical approach: reversibility encapsulates deontology, harm/beneficence utilitarianism, and public identification virtue ethics. The rubric provides students with pitfalls associated with using each test and also assesses their set up of the test, i.e., how well they build a context for analysis.
Ethics bowl follow-up exercise rubric
Student teams in Engineering Ethics at UPRM compete in two Ethics Bowls where they are required to make a decision or defend an ethical stance evoked by a case study. Following the Ethics Bowl, each group is responsible for preparing an in-depth case analysis on one of the two cases they debated in the competition. The following rubric identifies ten components of this assignment, assigns points to each, and provides feedback on what is less than adequate, adequate, and exceptional. This rubric has been used for several years to evaluate these group projects
Rubric for good computing / social impact statements reports
This rubric provides assessment criteria for the Good Computing Report activity that is based on the Social Impact Statement Analysis described by Chuck Huff at (See link) Students take a major computing system, construct the socio-technical system which forms its context, and look for potential problems that stem from value mismatches between the computing system and its surrounding socio-technical context. The rubric characterizes less than adequate, adequate, and exceptional student Good Computing Reports.
This section provides models for those who would find the Jeopardy game format useful for helping students learn concepts in business ethics and the environments of the organization. It incorporates material from modules in the Business Course and from Business Ethics and Society, a textbook written by Anne Lawrence and James Weber and published by McGraw-Hill. Thanks to for the Jeopardy template.
Jeopardy: business concepts and frameworks
Jeopardy: new game for first exam, spring 2011
Privacy, property, free speech, responsibility
Jeopardy for eo second exam
Jeopardy 5
Jeopardy 6
Jeopardy on responsibility
Revised jeopardies for admi 4016, fall 2011 to present
Jeopardy for problem solving
Jeopardy for toysmart, privacy, property, and informed consent
Jeopardy and gilbane gold
More jeopardies: beginning fall 2012
Jeopardy on syllabus as contract, mountain terrorist exercise, and values-based decision-making
software engineering is a the branch of computer science deals with the design,development, testing and maintenance of software applications.
who is best bw software engineering and cyber security
Both software engineering and cybersecurity offer exciting career prospects, but your choice ultimately depends on your interests and skills. If you enjoy problem-solving, programming, and designing software syste
Software engineering is a branch of computer science directed to writing programs to develop Softwares that can drive or enable the functionality of some hardwares like phone , automobile and others
if any requirement engineer is gathering requirements from client and after getting he/she Analyze them this process is called
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