Physics phds awarded in the u.s. over 28 years to minority women (1976 through 2003)
- 35 African American Women earned PhDs
- 57 Hispanic Women earned PhDs
- Between 1997 and 2003, there was an average of fewer than
three Hispanic women and fewer than
three African American women earning PhDs in Physics in the U.S.
each year –currently there are more than 1200 PhDs awarded in Physics each year
8th annual conference of black physics students (1994)
“Cultivating a field of dreams among a minority at NJIT” by Caroline Brewer, Sunday Bergen Record April 30, 2000, Living Section, page 1-3.
I remember that first committee assignment very well because it had an ignominious beginning for me. At the time I was one of a very small number of African-American optics researchers. During my first committee meeting, another committee member assumed I was in the room to serve coffee! There are a number of ways I might have reacted to this, but the incidence gave me pause for thought. I came to realize that, ironically, I owed this individual a debt of gratitude because that incident made me resolve to be a strong contributing member of the optics community. I'm not saying I appreciated the very insulting remark, but it ignited in me a passion for excellent science and service (the scientific-community kind, not the coffee kind). Since then, the OSA has become a more inclusive and diverse organization, such that we are foremost among scientific societies in our efforts to reach out to women and minorities. Most recently, for example, I had the pleasure of attending a lively "Women in OSA" session at our Annual Meeting.
Physics career awards at new jersey institute of technology (njit)
- Five CAREER Awards were granted to junior faculty during my 8-year term as Department Chair (1/95-1/03)
- 14-years in the Research Division of AT&T Bell Laboratories, now Lucent (8/81-1/95)
- Industrial research background with a natural tendency toward interdisciplinary research impacted departmental decisions
- As Department Chair I made an attempt to create an environment in which junior faculty members could thrive and contribute to the research and scholarly activities of the department
- I hired 5 faculty members during my 8-year tenure as Department Chair and 4 have gone on to receive NSF CAREER Awards –the 5this doing fine, and is now a Full Professor
Mentoring new faculty: advice to department chairs marjorie olmstead, univ. of washington (aug. 1993 cswp gazette)
- Make the expectations and criteria for promotion clear
- Facilitate the acquisition of resources to meet these expectations
- the chair and other mentors should serve both as sources of information and as advocates
- Give frequent and accurate feedback
- Reduce the impediments to progress towards promotion
- protect women and minority faculty from the demands of “tokenism”
- be aware of dual-career issues
- keep an eye on the faculty who opposed the initial appointment
Hiring philosophy
- Only interested in faculty that will enhance the department and are clearly destined for promotion and tenure–otherwise a waist of time and effort
- Faculty candidate would meet with both the Search Committee and the P&T Committee–I would not hire a candidate that didn’t have unanimous support from P&T
- Each junior faculty member would be assigned a senior faculty member as a mentor–
critical !
- Full time teaching load is 12 hours
- Junior faculty guaranteed ½time load for first two years–typically 2-sections of introductory physics
- Protect junior faculty from onerous committee assignments
- At P&T Committee meetings the progress of junior faculty would be discussed
- expectations and criteria for promotion and tenure conveyed
- Research and teaching collaboration is encouraged –team teaching in some instances
- Senior faculty and the Chair work closely with the junior faculty to help prepare CAREER nomination
- The Chair can help set the tone for the Department
- attempting to set a collaborative tone among the faculty can be attributed to my Bell Labs “upbringing”
- Perhaps the comradery and consensus that I observed at NJIT is made possible because a relatively small Physics faculty of 20
Career highlights
- 1974 Bell Labs Summer Research Program for Minorities&Women
- 1975 Bell Labs Cooperative Research Fellowship to pursue a PhD in Physics
- Course work at CCNY
- Thesis work at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ
- 1981 PhD in Physics -- CCNY/Bell Labs
- 1 of 4 African-Americans to receive a PhD in Physics in 1981
- 1981 Member of Technical Staff, Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ
- 1988 Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Labs
- 1989-1995 Ultrafast Optical Phenomena Topical Editor of
Optics Letters
- 1995-2001 Editor-in-Chief of
Optics Letters
- 2003 Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Photonics Research (CASPR), University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
- Professor of Physics
- Professor of Computer Science&Electrical Engineering (CSEE)
- Fellow
- OSA (1991)
- NSBP (1992)
- APS (1995)
- AAAS (1996)
- IEEE (2000)
- Member, NAS Committee on
AMO2010–Decadal Assessment and Outlook Report on Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Science (05-06)
- 1988 Program Co-Chair, Conference on Lasers&Electro-Optics (CLEO)
- 1989 Chair/Host of the 12th Annual Meeting of the
National Society of Black Physicists at Bell Labs in Holmdel, NJ
- Conference costs covered by Bell Labs Vice President for Research Arno Penzias, ONR and LLNL
- 1990 Conference Co-Chair of CLEO
- 1992-1993 Chair, APS Committee on Minorities in Physics
- 1995-2003 Chair and Professor of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
- 2002 President of the 15,000 member Optical Society of America (OSA)
1986 ultrafast phenomena conference, denver, co
Sunday ny times, march 6, 1994
Sunday ny times, june 22, 1997
Journal of engineering education, january 2005
At&T bell laboratories cooperative research fellowship program (1972-1992)
A Twenty Year Review conducted by the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)