This module will look at methods and examples of aliasing-cancellation conditions.
It is possible to design combinations of analysis and
synthesis filters such that the aliasing fromdownsampling/upsampling is completely cancelled. Below we
derive aliasing-cancellation conditions for two-channelfilterbanks. Though the results can be extended to M-channel
filterbanks in a rather straightforward manner, thetwo-channel case offers a more lucid explanation of the
principle ideas (see
[link] ).
Aliasing cancellation conditions
The aliasing cancellation conditions follow directly from the
input/output equations derived below. Let
denote the filterbank branch index. Then
is often called the
aliasing component matrix .
For aliasing cancellation, we need to ensure that
does not contribute to the output
This requires that
which is guaranteed by
or by the following pair of conditions for any rational
Under these aliasing-cancellation conditions, we get theinput/output relation
represents the system transfer function. We saythat "perfect reconstruction" results when
for some
, or equivalently when
The aliasing-cancellation conditions remove one degree of
freedom from our filterbank design; originally, we had thechoice of four transfer functions
, whereas now we can choose three: