Internal bleeding results when blood vessels
rupture, allowing blood to leak into body cavities. It could be a result of adirect blow to the body, a fracture, a sprain, or a bleeding ulcer. If a victim
receives an injury to the chest or abdomen, internal bleeding should besuspected. He will probably feel pain and tenderness in the affected area.
Other symptoms to watch for:
- cold, clammy skin
- pale face and lips
- weakness or fainting
- dizziness
- nausea
- thirstiness
- rapid, weak, irregular pulse
- shortness of breath
- dilated pupils
- swelling or bruising at the site of injury
The more symptoms that are experienced, the more
extensive the internal bleeding is.
- Check for an open airway and begin rescue breathing if necessary.
- Call for medical help as soon as possible and keep the victim
comfortable until help arrives.
- The victim may rinse his mouth with water, but DO NOT give a victim of
internal bleeding anything to drink.
A convulsion (violent, involuntary contraction or
muscle spasm) can be caused by epilepsy or sudden illness. Convulsion, orseizures, are not likely to cause death unless the victim stops breathing.
The victim should be check by medical personnel.
- victim's muscles become stiff and hard, followed by jerkingmovements
- he may bite his tongue or stop breathing
- face and lips may turn a bluish color
- may drool excessively or foam at the mouth
- Clear all objects away from the victim and place something soft under
his head
- Do not place anything between his teeth or in his mouth
- Do not give the victim any liquids
- If the vicitm stops breathing, check to see that the airway is open and
begin rescue breathing
- Stay calm and keep the victim comfortable until help arrives.
Most convulsions are followed by a period of
unconsciousness or another convulsion.
Electric shock
- Remove the victim from the source of electricity before you touch
him. Either turn off the master switch to disconnect the power, or use anonmetal, dry object such as a stick to pull the wire or electrical
source away from the victim's body.
- If he is not breathing, begin rescue breathing immediately; a victim
whose heart has stopped breathing needs CPR.
- If the person is unconscious, but is breathing and has a heartbeat,
you should place him in the recovery position and monitor his breathingand heart rate until medical help arrives.
- Cool the body of a heatstroke victim immediately.
- If possible, put him in cool water; wrap him in cool wet clothes; or
sponge his skin with cool water, rubbing alcohol, ice, or cold packs.
- Once the victim's temperature drops to about 101 F, you may lay him in
the recovery position in a cool room.
- If the temperature begins to rise again, you will need to repeat the
cooling process.
- If he/she is able to drink, you may give him some water.
- You should watch for signs of shock while waiting for medical