Your task is to generate 10 different loops
that all complete the protein structure of CI2 and compare them to thenative loop conformation. To do so, even though the native loop
conformation is given to you in the
backbone.pdb file, you will pretend that the loop region from
residue 34 to residue 46 is not resolved. You will generate differentconformations for this loop region by randomly sampling values for the
dihedral of the loop, uniformly in the range [-PI, PI]. Then you will use
the CCD algorithm described in
to steer these loop conformations to their goal/target location asspecified by the coordinates of residue 46 in the native conformation of
The Cyclic Coordinate Descent, as defined in
, allows you to find the optimal
dihedral angle for a dihedral bond by whose rotation a desired atom willget as close as possible to a target position. To simplify this problem,
you will not have target positions for the three atoms N, CA, C as
does, but only on one atom, the C
atom. This means that the equations you need to solve for the optimaldihedral rotation are going to be much simpler, with your distance measure
S defined as the Euclidean distance between current position M of atom Cand its target position F. Please address
Q1 .
Ccd for a chain
You have noticed by now that CCD reports the angle by which to rotate a
particular dihedral bond so that the feature atom gets as close as possibleto its target position. Consider a chain with the feature atom at its end. As
in real polypeptides, this chain does not contain only one dihedral angle,but many. How would you use the CCD routine to solve for all the dihedrals of
this chain so that the final end of the chain reaches a target position?
Please address
Q2 . (Hint: You might
consider solving for each dihedral one at a time, after you have imposed anorder on the dihedrals you are working with.)
For convenience, we will refer to the conformation of the chain where the
atom reaches its target position as the
closure conformation .
The problem you will address in this assignment is how to obtain differentclosure conformations by solving for the dihedral DOFs of a chain in order to
go from a starting/initial/current conformation to a closure conformation.In order to generate closure conformations, before solving for the dihedral
DOFs through CCD for a chain, you need to generate starting/initialconformations for the loop region of CI2. One way to do so is to
generate random angles for the dihedrals of the chain and then accumulate therespective transformation matrices down the chain through Forward Kinematics,
as you have done in Assignment 2. You are not allowed to rotate only onedihedral bond to generate a
random initial transformation . You
have to rotate all dihedral bonds of a chain by random angles in the interval[-PI, PI]. Please answer
Q3 .
Now it is time for you to put your pseudocode to the test. We first list the
particular specifications for the inverse kinematics problem you will solvein this assignment.
For this problem, you will steer the C atom of residue 46 of the loop
region towards its target position. We will refer to this atom as the
feature atom .
We need to define the DOFs. As you will only generate closure
conformations for the loop region from residue 34 to residue 46, theonly DOFs you can sample in the intial loop conformations and solve
for in the closure conformations are those of the loop region. Everyother dihedral you cannot change.
The CCD algorithm needs to have a measure of distance between the
current position of the feature atom and its target position. Afteryou have generated initial conformations for the loop region, the
current position of the feature atom is position in space of the Catom of residue 46 in this initial conformation.
The target position of the feature atom will be its position as
specified in the original (native) conformation contained in the
backbone_native.crd file.
Now we can put the pieces together: Generate an initial conformation
by rotating the dihedrals of the 34-46 loop region of CI2 with randomangles sampled uniformly in the [-PI, PI] interval. Solve forthe dihedrals of the 34-46 region so that the C atom of aminoacid 46
in the initial conformation you have just generated reaches itstarget position as specified by its position in the native
conformation in the backbone_native.crd file.Note that depending on the random conformation you start with, itmight be hard to steer atom C to reach its target position. After
applying the dihedrals you have solved for, you might need to doadditional iterations to solve for the dihedrals of the updated
conformation, apply those and so on until the spatial constraint foratom C is satisfied. To have a quantitative criterion for when atom C
satisfies its spatial constraint, you need to define a thresholdparameter for S, as in
Set this threshold criterion to 0.01 for this assignment.Please answer
Q4 .
In this way, you will generate 10 closure conformations where the C atom ofaminoacid 46 will be in its target position, its position in the native
conformation. It is interesting to note that the native conformation itselfis a closure conformation since it satisfies the spatial constraint on this
atom. Now you can quantify the similarity/difference between these 10closure conformations and the native conformation. As in assignment 1, you
can compute the least RMSD of these 10 closure conformations from thenative. You can also compute the energy of each of these 10 conformations
and the native. Please address
Q5 and
Q6 .
Setup with matlab
Even though you are welcome to use any programming language to complete this
assignment, we suggest that you use Matlab due to its convenient matrixoperations. For this assignment you will need some basic trigonometry
functions such as
sine ,
cosine ,
tangent , and
inverse tangent/arctangent . You can find all these functions
already implemented in Matlab. Please get familiar with their syntaxby using the Help pages. Figure 1 captures the Help page for
the category of
Functions By Category , subcategory
Elementary Math . You need to read this category to learn more on
how to use these functions.
It is very important that you use the right arctangent implementation for
this assignment. The authors in
use the
atan2 function as implemented in
C . There is a similar function in Matlab
. Please be careful to understand in what
quadrant this function returns its output. You can learn more about thisfunction under the Help pages. Figure 2 captures the help page
for this function under the category of
Functions By Category , subcategory
Elementary Math , as part of the
Trigonometric functions.
For submission
Please follow this list closely.
Please repeat the derivation in
with the simplification we made that only one atom is the one we want to tomove to its target position. Typeset these derivations for submission.
Please typeset your pseudocode for how you would iterate over a chain until
the end of the chain reaches its target position.
Please provide pseudocode for how you would generate a random conformation
for the 34-46 region of the protein. Please generate 10 conformations inthis way and visualize these conformations through VMD, all
superimposed over the native. Submit this image.
Please plot all the final 10 conformations where the C atom of aminoacid 46
reaches its target position. Plot these conformations over the native.Indicate where the C atom lies with a VDW representation in red. Submit this image. (Note: remember that VMD requires a dummy first line in .crd files, so add one if your code does not).
Please compute the RMSD of the 10 closure conformations from the native.
Please plot these values and submit this plot. Please check the 10 closureconformations and the native conformation for collisions with the energy
function you implemented in assignment 2. Please report the energetic scoresof each conformation. Does the native conformation contain any collisions?
How do the other closure conformations compare to the native in terms ofenergy? What can you conclude about your implementation of CCD to get a
closure conformation with regard to the energy of this closure conformation?
The CCD algorithm does not take into consideration energetic constraints due
to unfavorable steric clashes. One way to impose energetic considerations isto discriminate against closure conformations that contain steric clashes.
You have already implemented a simplistic energy function that can report thepresence of collisions. Please provide pseudo-code on how you would couple
CCD with your energy function to report only closure conformations that donot contain collisions.
Note: While you are welcome to use any programming language, please typeset
your deliverables. We encourage you to use Matlab. You may use anyvisualization software to produce your images.
Questions & Answers
1. Discuss the processes involved during exchange of fluids between intra and extracellular space.
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