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You do not need to be logged in to access any of the published content on the site. You can download, view, print, share, or repurpose any content in Connexions for free, without even providing an email address. In fact, the only thing you HAVE to have an account for is to CREATE content, so we can keep track of whose is whose and make sure to give you credit for your work.
The following elements appear on the Connexions home page:
The Featured Content portlet highlights exemplary content that shows what you can do with Connexions. New authors may want to use these materials for inspiration.
The Spotlight portlet provides a rotating set of vignettes highlighting user feedback, author profiles, and important Conneixons announcements. Hear what’s going on with the project and what others have to say about it.
From the My Account portlet you can log in, request an account, or recover a lost password.
The Find Content portlet provides a convenient, abbreviated version of the content search (a full search also available under the “Content” tab or the search bar in the upper right).
The following tabs are used for navigation and appear on every page within Connexions:
The Home tab will return you to the Connexions home page, located at (External Link) .
The Content tab directs you to a comprehensive Search and Browse engine for the Connexions content repository. From here you to search or browse by author, title, subject, language, etc.
The Lenses tab presents a page listing all public lenses, allowing you to find content that has been endorsed by, affiliated with, or recommended by other Connexions users (the Lenses feature will be described in more detail later in the workshop).
The About Us tab directs you to information about the Connexions project, including our philosophy and mission, project history, sponsors, and so on.
The Help tab links to a number of helpful resources, including site feature documentation, author guides, and technical support contact information.
The MyCNX tab links to the authoring interface. This is the only area of the site you need to log in to your account.
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