National Center on Learning
Disabilities : This site provides resources, information,
and fact sheets.
Assignment 1: reflecting
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Assignment 1: Reflecting
- Choose 5 different phrases or sentences from the reading in this
module or from the links on the previous page and do a Focused Freewritefor each.
A Focused Freewrite is when you use a phrase or
sentence from something you've read as a trigger for free-formwriting; that is, you write any thoughts, questions, or stories
that come to mind as it relates to the trigger phrase or sentence.Sometimes you'll stick to the trigger topic and sometimes your
mind will wander into seemingly unrelated places. Give yourselfpermission to move between "wandering" and coming back to writing
about the topic.
- Be sure to write the phrase or sentence and put it in quotations marks.
(2-3 paragraphs for each Focused Freewrite)
Gifted children also have special needs
"Gifted" children demonstate unusually strong
competence in the following areas:
- cognitive ability (thinking skills)
- academic ability (thinking skills applied to subject matter)
- creative ability (ability to view problems and ideas in new ways)
- leadership ability (ability to mobilize energy of others to make
- visual or performing arts ability (ability to demonstrate
It is interesting to note how closely such "gifted"
characteristics correlate with Howard Gardner's research on multipleintelligences.
Studies show that gifted and talented children need
the same level of school accommodations to be successful as students whoapparently lack essential skills.
In fact, studies often show that gifted and talented students often
disguise their discomfort in school through misbehaviors. They are placedin special classes for less successful students. It may very well be that
those students who do not demonstrate success are bored. With appropriateteaching, such students can shine.
Studies have often shown that gifted and talented
students drop out of school as much - and in some cases more - than students whostruggle and are unable to demonstrate adequate academic performance.
Characteristics of gifted children
Gifted children...
- Are often unusually upset at injustices
- Are often loners
- Often criticize other students for "dumb" ideas
- Are often restless
- Try to do the work in a different way
- May stay with the same topic after the teacher would like the class tomove onto other subjects or sections of the curriculum
Myths About Gifted Children
- High-achieving students are not necessarily "gifted"
- Gifted and talented children do not necessarily have gifted and
talented social skills
Habits Gifted Children Need To Develop
- Managing their impulsive behaviors
- Listening more empathically to the thoughts of others
- Taking responsible risks with the material they are studying
- Flexibility with the thoughts of others if they are working in group