Assignment 2: integration
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Assignment 2: Integration
- Choose any subject matter - mathematics, science, history, etc.
Then, think of an arts category: music, dance, drama, literature,visual arts, etc.
- Design a lesson so that the learning is enhanced or inspired or mined
through the use of this art form or several art forms. (Use the formatbelow as your guideline.) Write 2-3 paragraphs describing the lesson -
what you will do; supplies you'll need; how you'll structure it, etc.
- When you and your students have completed the lesson, write 3-4
paragraphs reflecting on the process of doing this lesson with yourstudents. What did you notice? What worked well? What would you add or
delete to make it better?
Lesson Format
Arts Category:
Teacher Supplies:
Student Supplies:
Objectives (what would you like the students to
accomplish?). An example might be:
Students will learn about how cells work by creating a small
drama presentation.
What Will Students Need To Do? An example might be:
Group work, assigning parts, designing costumes, staging,
Warm Up
Explain the opportunity to use arts to learn better.
Introduce the subject and create an atmosphere so that students areinterested in trying something new.
- Divide the students up into groups to approach the subject anddiscuss it.
- Leave time for questions.
- Provide time for practice in small groups, giving students room to
work together. Move about the room ensuring that students are, indeed,participating in the program.
- Explain that students will be graded based upon how well they work in
groups, how well they understand the material, and how well theypresent their final demonstration.
These can be individual or group presentations,
depending upon what you have decided in advance.
- Ask students to write or discuss how well he or she understood the
material as an individual?
- Ask students to write or discuss whether they understood the
material better because they worked in groups.
- Ask students to write or discuss whether they understood the
material better because they worked with the arts.
Assignment 3: practices
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Assignment 3: Practices
- Please answer the following questions:
- What are the national policies regarding arts education?
- What are the best practices in arts education in the
- What are the best practices in arts education in your local
(You might want to include the contributions of indigenous or
community-based cultures or other non-formal structures that may notget the attention they deserve.)
- Ask an artist in your community to work with you on creating future
lessons that integrate national and indigenous arts into yourcurriculum. Share feedback on how your meeting went. What ideas were
discussed? What plans have you made together? (3-4 paragraphs)
- The arts can be a powerful tool for problem-solving and creating new,
communal civic structures/forms. Call together a group of people inyour community, perhaps a variety of ages. Come together around the
intent to solve an issue or to create something new. Use music,movement, dance, writing, the spoken word, the visual arts as vehicles
for gaining new vision and insights. Perhaps you will stage a play orcreate a community sand mandala. (To learn more about sand mandalas,
here ). How might you plan for this first gathering? What
resources do you have? What do you need? Tell about the planning and theoutcome of meeting with this group of people. (4-5 paragraphs)