Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: The Digestive System MCQ

A&P Key Terms 23 The Digestive System


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91. large intestine terminal portion of the alimentary canal
92. laryngopharynx part of the pharynx that functions in respiration and digestion
93. left colic flexure (also, splenic flexure) point where the transverse colon curves below the inferior end of the spleen
94. lingual frenulum mucous membrane fold that attaches the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
95. lingual lipase digestive enzyme from glands in the tongue that acts on triglycerides
96. lipoprotein lipase enzyme that breaks down triglycerides in chylomicrons into fatty acids and monoglycerides
97. liver largest gland in the body whose main digestive function is the production of bile
98. lower esophageal sphincter smooth muscle sphincter that regulates food movement from the esophagus to the stomach
99. main pancreatic duct (also, duct of Wirsung) duct through which pancreatic juice drains from the pancreas
100. major duodenal papilla point at which the hepatopancreatic ampulla opens into the duodenum
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