Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: The Brain and Cranial

A&P Key Terms 14 Brain & Cranial Nerves


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61. interaural time difference cue used to help with sound localization in the horizontal plane that compares the relative time of arrival of sounds at the two ears, because the ear closer to the sound source will receive the stimulus microseconds before the other ear
62. internal capsule segment of the descending motor pathway that passes between the caudate nucleus and the putamen
63. interoceptor sensory receptor that is positioned to interpret stimuli from internal organs, such as stretch receptors in the wall of blood vessels
64. ipsilateral word meaning on the same side, as in axons that do not cross the midline in a fiber tract
65. iris colored portion of the anterior eye that surrounds the pupil
66. kinesthesia sense of body movement based on sensations in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, and the skin
67. lacrimal duct duct in the medial corner of the orbit that drains tears into the nasal cavity
68. lacrimal gland gland lateral to the orbit that produces tears to wash across the surface of the eye
69. lateral corticospinal tract division of the corticospinal pathway that travels through the lateral column of the spinal cord and controls appendicular musculature through the lateral motor neurons in the ventral (anterior) horn
70. lateral geniculate nucleus thalamic target of the RGCs that projects to the visual cortex
71. lateral rectus extraocular muscle responsible for abduction of the eye
72. lens component of the eye that focuses light on the retina
73. levator palpebrae superioris muscle that causes elevation of the upper eyelid, controlled by fibers in the oculomotor nerve
74. lumbar enlargement region of the ventral (anterior) horn of the spinal cord that has a larger population of motor neurons for the greater number of muscles of the lower limb
75. macula enlargement at the base of a semicircular canal at which transduction of equilibrium stimuli takes place within the ampulla
76. malleus (also, hammer) ossicle that is directly attached to the tympanic membrane
77. mechanoreceptor receptor cell that transduces mechanical stimuli into an electrochemical signal
78. medial geniculate nucleus thalamic target of the auditory brain stem that projects to the auditory cortex
79. medial lemniscus fiber tract of the dorsal column system that extends from the nuclei gracilis and cuneatus to the thalamus, and decussates
80. medial rectus extraocular muscle responsible for adduction of the eye
81. mesencephalic nucleus component of the trigeminal nuclei that is found in the midbrain
82. middle ear space within the temporal bone between the ear canal and bony labyrinth where the ossicles amplify sound waves from the tympanic membrane to the oval window
83. multimodal integration area region of the cerebral cortex in which information from more than one sensory modality is processed to arrive at higher level cortical functions such as memory, learning, or cognition
84. neural tunic layer of the eye that contains nervous tissue, namely the retina
85. nociceptor receptor cell that senses pain stimuli
86. nucleus cuneatus medullary nucleus at which first-order neurons of the dorsal column system synapse specifically from the upper body and arms
87. nucleus gracilis medullary nucleus at which first-order neurons of the dorsal column system synapse specifically from the lower body and legs
88. odorant molecules volatile chemicals that bind to receptor proteins in olfactory neurons to stimulate the sense of smell
89. olfaction sense of smell
90. olfactory bulb central target of the first cranial nerve; located on the ventral surface of the frontal lobe in the cerebrum
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