Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: The Brain and Cranial

A&P Key Terms 14 Brain & Cranial Nerves


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91. olfactory epithelium region of the nasal epithelium where olfactory neurons are located
92. olfactory sensory neuron receptor cell of the olfactory system, sensitive to the chemical stimuli of smell, the axons of which compose the first cranial nerve
93. opsin protein that contains the photosensitive cofactor retinal for phototransduction
94. optic chiasm decussation point in the visual system at which medial retina fibers cross to the other side of the brain
95. optic disc spot on the retina at which RGC axons leave the eye and blood vessels of the inner retina pass
96. optic nerve second cranial nerve, which is responsible visual sensation
97. optic tract name for the fiber structure containing axons from the retina posterior to the optic chiasm representing their CNS location
98. organ of Corti structure in the cochlea in which hair cells transduce movements from sound waves into electrochemical signals
99. osmoreceptor receptor cell that senses differences in the concentrations of bodily fluids on the basis of osmotic pressure
100. ossicles three small bones in the middle ear
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