Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology Lymphatic & Immune System

A&P Key Terms 21 Lymphatic & Immune System


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91. psychoneuroimmunology study of the connections between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems
92. regulatory T cells (Treg) (also, suppressor T cells) class of CD4 T cells that regulates other T cell responses
93. right lymphatic duct drains lymph fluid from the upper right side of body into the right subclavian vein
94. secondary adaptive response immune response observed upon re-exposure to a pathogen, which is stronger and faster than a primary response
95. secondary lymphoid organs sites where lymphocytes mount adaptive immune responses; examples include lymph nodes and spleen
96. sensitization first exposure to an antigen
97. seroconversion clearance of pathogen in the serum and the simultaneous rise of serum antibody
98. severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) genetic mutation that affects both T cell and B cell arms of the immune response
99. spleen secondary lymphoid organ that filters pathogens from the blood (white pulp) and removes degenerating or damaged blood cells (red pulp)
100. T cell tolerance process during T cell differentiation where most T cells that recognize antigens from one's own body are destroyed
Szilárd Jankó
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