Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology Key Terms Cardiovascular

A&P Key Terms 18 Cardiovascular S. Blood


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1. ABO blood group blood-type classification based on the presence or absence of A and B glycoproteins on the erythrocyte membrane surface
2. agglutination clustering of cells into masses linked by antibodies
3. agranular leukocytes leukocytes with few granules in their cytoplasm; specifically, monocytes, lymphocytes, and NK cells
4. albumin most abundant plasma protein, accounting for most of the osmotic pressure of plasma
5. anemia deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin
6. antibodies (also, immunoglobulins or gamma globulins) antigen-specific proteins produced by specialized B lymphocytes that protect the body by binding to foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses
7. anticoagulant substance such as heparin that opposes coagulation
8. antithrombin anticoagulant that inactivates factor X and opposes the conversion of prothrombin (factor II) into thrombin in the common pathway
9. B lymphocytes (also, B cells) lymphocytes that defend the body against specific pathogens and thereby provide specific immunity
10. basophils granulocytes that stain with a basic (alkaline) stain and store histamine and heparin
11. bilirubin yellowish bile pigment produced when iron is removed from heme and is further broken down into waste products
12. biliverdin green bile pigment produced when the non-iron portion of heme is degraded into a waste product; converted to bilirubin in the liver
13. blood liquid connective tissue composed of formed elements-erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets-and a fluid extracellular matrix called plasma; component of the cardiovascular system
14. bone marrow biopsy diagnostic test of a sample of red bone marrow
15. bone marrow transplant treatment in which a donor's healthy bone marrow with its stem cells replaces diseased or damaged bone marrow of a patient
16. buffy coat thin, pale layer of leukocytes and platelets that separates the erythrocytes from the plasma in a sample of centrifuged blood
17. carbaminohemoglobin compound of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin, and one of the ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood
18. clotting factors group of 12 identified substances active in coagulation
19. coagulation formation of a blood clot; part of the process of hemostasis
20. colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) glycoproteins that trigger the proliferation and differentiation of myeloblasts into granular leukocytes (basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophils)
21. common pathway final coagulation pathway activated either by the intrinsic or the extrinsic pathway, and ending in the formation of a blood clot
22. cross matching blood test for identification of blood type using antibodies and small samples of blood
23. cytokines class of proteins that act as autocrine or paracrine signaling molecules; in the cardiovascular system, they stimulate the proliferation of progenitor cells and help to stimulate both nonspecific and specific resistance to disease
24. defensins antimicrobial proteins released from neutrophils and macrophages that create openings in the plasma membranes to kill cells
25. deoxyhemoglobin molecule of hemoglobin without an oxygen molecule bound to it
26. diapedesis (also, emigration) process by which leukocytes squeeze through adjacent cells in a blood vessel wall to enter tissues
27. embolus thrombus that has broken free from the blood vessel wall and entered the circulation
28. emigration (also, diapedesis) process by which leukocytes squeeze through adjacent cells in a blood vessel wall to enter tissues
29. eosinophils granulocytes that stain with eosin; they release antihistamines and are especially active against parasitic worms
30. erythrocyte (also, red blood cell) mature myeloid blood cell that is composed mostly of hemoglobin and functions primarily in the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Sheila Lopez
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