1. |
acrosomal reaction
release of digestive enzymes by sperm that enables them to burrow through the corona radiata and
penetrate the zona pellucida of an oocyte prior to fertilization |
2. |
cap-like vesicle located at the anterior-most region of a sperm that is rich with lysosomal enzymes
capable of digesting the protective layers surrounding the oocyte |
3. |
third stage of childbirth in which the placenta and associated fetal membranes are expelled |
4. |
finger-like outpocketing of yolk sac forms the primitive excretory duct of the embryo; precursor to
the urinary bladder |
5. |
alternative forms of a gene that occupy a specific locus on a specific gene |
6. |
transparent membranous sac that encloses the developing fetus and fills with amniotic fluid |
7. |
amniotic cavity
cavity that opens up between the inner cell mass and the trophoblast; develops into amnion |
8. |
autosomal chromosome
in humans, the 22 pairs of chromosomes that are not the sex chromosomes (XX or XY) |
9. |
autosomal dominant
pattern of dominant inheritance that corresponds to a gene on one of the 22 autosomal chromosomes |
10. |
autosomal recessive
pattern of recessive inheritance that corresponds to a gene on one of the 22 autosomal chromosomes |
11. |
Braxton Hicks contractions
weak and irregular peristaltic contractions that can occur in the second and third trimesters; they
do not indicate that childbirth is imminent |
12. |
fluid-filled cavity of the blastocyst |
13. |
term for the conceptus at the developmental stage that consists of about 100 cells shaped into an
inner cell mass that is fated to become the embryo and an outer trophoblast that is fated to become
the associated fetal membranes and placenta |
14. |
daughter cell of a cleavage |
15. |
brown adipose tissue
highly vascularized fat tissue that is packed with mitochondria; these properties confer the ability
to oxidize fatty acids to generate heat |
16. |
process that occurs in the female reproductive tract in which sperm are prepared for fertilization;
leads to increased motility and changes in their outer membrane that improve their ability to release
enzymes capable of digesting an oocyte's outer layers |
17. |
heterozygous individual who does not display symptoms of a recessive genetic disorder but can transmit
the disorder to his or her offspring |
18. |
membrane that develops from the syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, and mesoderm; surrounds the
embryo and forms the fetal portion of the placenta through the chorionic villi |
19. |
chorionic membrane
precursor to the chorion; forms from extra-embryonic mesoderm cells |
20. |
chorionic villi
projections of the chorionic membrane that burrow into the endometrium and develop into the placenta |
21. |
form of mitotic cell division in which the cell divides but the total volume remains unchanged; this
process serves to produce smaller and smaller cells |
22. |
pattern of inheritance that corresponds to the equal, distinct, and simultaneous expression of two
different alleles |
23. |
thick, yellowish substance secreted from a mother's breasts in the first postpartum days; rich in
immunoglobulins |
24. |
pre-implantation stage of a fertilized egg and its associated membranes |
25. |
corona radiata
in an oocyte, a layer of granulosa cells that surrounds the oocyte and that must be penetrated by
sperm before fertilization can occur |
26. |
cortical reaction
following fertilization, the release of cortical granules from the oocyte's plasma membrane into the
zona pellucida creating a fertilization membrane that prevents any further attachment or penetration
of sperm; part of the slow block to polyspermy |
27. |
first stage of childbirth, involving an increase in cervical diameter |
28. |
dominant lethal
inheritance pattern in which individuals with one or two copies of a lethal allele do not survive in
utero or have a shortened life span |
29. |
describes a trait that is expressed both in homozygous and heterozygous form |
30. |
ductus arteriosus
shunt in the pulmonary trunk that diverts oxygenated blood back to the aorta |