Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology Autonomic Nervous System

A&P Key Terms 15 Autonomic Nervous System


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31. G protein-coupled receptor membrane protein complex that consists of a receptor protein that binds to a signaling molecule-a G protein that is activated by that binding and in turn activates an effector protein (enzyme) that creates a second-messenger molecule in the cytoplasm of the target cell
32. ganglionic neuron specifically refers to the cell body of a neuron in the autonomic system that is located in a ganglion
33. gray rami communicantes (singular: ramus communicans) unmyelinated structures that provide a short connection from a sympathetic chain ganglion to the spinal nerve that contains the postganglionic sympathetic fiber
34. greater splanchnic nerve nerve that contains fibers of the central sympathetic neurons that do not synapse in the chain ganglia but project onto the celiac ganglion
35. inferior mesenteric ganglion one of the collateral ganglia of the sympathetic system that projects to the digestive system
36. intramural ganglia terminal ganglia of the parasympathetic system that are found within the walls of the target effector
37. lesser splanchnic nerve nerve that contains fibers of the central sympathetic neurons that do not synapse in the chain ganglia but project onto the inferior mesenteric ganglion
38. ligand-gated cation channel ion channel, such as the nicotinic receptor, that is specific to positively charged ions and opens when a molecule such as a neurotransmitter binds to it
39. limbic lobe structures arranged around the edges of the cerebrum that are involved in memory and emotion
40. long reflex reflex arc that includes the central nervous system
41. medial forebrain bundle fiber pathway that extends anteriorly into the basal forebrain, passes through the hypothalamus, and extends into the brain stem and spinal cord
42. mesenteric plexus nervous tissue within the wall of the digestive tract that contains neurons that are the targets of autonomic preganglionic fibers and that project to the smooth muscle and glandular tissues in the digestive organ
43. muscarinic receptor type of acetylcholine receptor protein that is characterized by also binding to muscarine and is a metabotropic receptor
44. mydriasis dilation of the pupil; typically the result of disease, trauma, or drugs
45. nicotinic receptor type of acetylcholine receptor protein that is characterized by also binding to nicotine and is an ionotropic receptor
46. norepinephrine signaling molecule released as a neurotransmitter by most postganglionic sympathetic fibers as part of the sympathetic response, or as a hormone into the bloodstream from the adrenal medulla
47. nucleus ambiguus brain-stem nucleus that contains neurons that project through the vagus nerve to terminal ganglia in the thoracic cavity; specifically associated with the heart
48. parasympathetic division division of the autonomic nervous system responsible for restful and digestive functions
49. parasympathomimetic drugs drugs that enhance or mimic the function of the parasympathetic system
50. paravertebral ganglia autonomic ganglia superior to the sympathetic chain ganglia
51. postganglionic fiber axon from a ganglionic neuron in the autonomic nervous system that projects to and synapses with the target effector; sometimes referred to as a postganglionic neuron
52. preganglionic fiber axon from a central neuron in the autonomic nervous system that projects to and synapses with a ganglionic neuron; sometimes referred to as a preganglionic neuron
53. prevertebral ganglia autonomic ganglia that are anterior to the vertebral column and functionally related to the sympathetic chain ganglia
54. referred pain the conscious perception of visceral sensation projected to a different region of the body, such as the left shoulder and arm pain as a sign for a heart attack
55. reflex arc circuit of a reflex that involves a sensory input and motor output, or an afferent branch and an efferent branch, and an integrating center to connect the two branches
56. rest and digest set of functions associated with the parasympathetic system that lead to restful actions and digestion
57. short reflex reflex arc that does not include any components of the central nervous system
58. somatic reflex reflex involving skeletal muscle as the effector, under the control of the somatic nervous system
59. superior cervical ganglion one of the paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic system that projects to the head
60. superior mesenteric ganglion one of the collateral ganglia of the sympathetic system that projects to the digestive system
Keyaira Braxton
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