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Learning objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe the properties and features of elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxies
  • Explain what may cause a galaxy’s appearance to change over time

Having established the existence of other galaxies , Hubble and others began to observe them more closely—noting their shapes, their contents, and as many other properties as they could measure. This was a daunting task in the 1920s when obtaining a single photograph or spectrum of a galaxy could take a full night of tireless observing. Today, larger telescopes and electronic detectors have made this task less difficult, although observing the most distant galaxies (those that show us the universe in its earliest phases) still requires enormous effort.

The first step in trying to understand a new type of object is often simply to describe it. Remember, the first step in understanding stellar spectra was simply to sort them according to appearance (see Analyzing Starlight ). As it turns out, the biggest and most luminous galaxies come in one of two basic shapes: either they are flatter and have spiral arms, like our own Galaxy, or they appear to be elliptical (blimp- or cigar-shaped). Many smaller galaxies, in contrast, have an irregular shape.

Spiral galaxies

Our own Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are typical, large spiral galaxies (see [link] ). They consist of a central bulge, a halo, a disk, and spiral arms. Interstellar material is usually spread throughout the disks of spiral galaxies. Bright emission nebulae and hot, young stars are present, especially in the spiral arms, showing that new star formation is still occurring. The disks are often dusty, which is especially noticeable in those systems that we view almost edge on ( [link] ).

Spiral galaxies.

Two Views of Spiral Galaxies. In panel (a), at left, the face-on spiral M100 is shown with the major components labeled. At center is the “Bulge”, the “Spiral arms” are indicated with arrows at top and to the right, the spiral arms lie within the “Disk” and the “Halo” surrounds most of the galaxy as a whole. Panel (b), at right, shows spiral galaxy NGC4565 that is edge-on. It appears as a thin sliver of light, with a dark dust lane bisecting the entire length and a central bulge somewhat thicker than the thin disk.
(a) The spiral arms of M100, shown here, are bluer than the rest of the galaxy, indicating young, high-mass stars and star-forming regions. (b) We view this spiral galaxy, NGC 4565, almost exactly edge on, and from this angle, we can see the dust in the plane of the galaxy; it appears dark because it absorbs the light from the stars in the galaxy. (credit a: modification of work by Hubble Legacy Archive, NASA, ESA, and Judy Schmidt; credit b: modification of work by “Jschulman555”/ Wikimedia)

In galaxies that we see face on, the bright stars and emission nebulae make the arms of spirals stand out like those of a pinwheel on the fourth of July. Open star clusters can be seen in the arms of nearer spirals, and globular clusters are often visible in their halos. Spiral galaxies contain a mixture of young and old stars, just as the Milky Way does. All spirals rotate, and the direction of their spin is such that the arms appear to trail much like the wake of a boat.

About two-thirds of the nearby spiral galaxies have boxy or peanut-shaped bars of stars running through their centers ( [link] ). Showing great originality, astronomers call these galaxies barred spirals.

Barred spiral galaxy.

Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300. Instead of the smooth, graceful arms that emerge from the nucleus of a spiral like M100, a barred spiral has straight, elongated structures on either side of the nucleus from which the curved arms originate.
NGC 1300, shown here, is a barred spiral galaxy. Note that the spiral arms begin at the ends of the bar. (credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team(STScI/AURA))

Questions & Answers

how many planets and dwarf planets are this solar system?
Khate Reply
what about erendel star?
Warsame Reply
what about vinus?
what is astronomy
Ghost Reply
what is astronaut
how does the planets on our solar system orbit
cheten Reply
my be eight
how many Messier objects are there in space
satish Reply
I don't know
did you g8ve certificate
Richard Reply
what are astronomy
Issan Reply
Astronomy (from Ancient Greek ἀστρονομία (astronomía) 'science that studies the laws of the stars') is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution.
what is big bang theory?
what type of activity astronomer do?
the big bang theory is a theory which states that all matter was compressed together in one place the matter got so unstable it exploded releasing All its contents in the form of hydrogen
I want to be an astronomer. That's my dream
Who named the the whole galaxy?
Shola Reply
solar Univers
what is space
what is the dark matter
what are the factors upon which the atmosphere is stratified
Nicholas Reply
is the big bang the sun
Folakemi Reply
bigbang is the beginning of the universe
but thats just a theory
nothing will happen, don't worry brother.
what does comet means
these are Rocky substances between mars and jupiter
Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases , rock and dust that orbit the sun. They are mostly found between the orbits of Venus and Mercury.
qt rrt
r u there
hey can anyone guide me abt international astronomy olympiad
how can we learn right and true ?
Govinda Reply
why the moon is always appear in an elliptical shape
Gatjuol Reply
Because when astroid hit the Earth then a piece of elliptical shape of the earth was separated which is now called moon.
what's see level?
lidiya Reply
Did you mean eye sight or sea level
oh sorry it's sea level
according to the theory of astronomers why the moon is always appear in an elliptical orbit?
hi !!! I am new in astronomy.... I have so many questions in mind .... all of scientists of the word they just give opinion only. but they never think true or false ... i respect all of them... I believes whole universe depending on true ...থিউরি
we're all stars and galaxies a part of sun. how can science prove thx with respect old ancient times picture or books..or anything with respect to present time .but we r a part of that universe
w astronomy and cosmology!
Practice Key Terms 3

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Source:  OpenStax, Astronomy. OpenStax CNX. Apr 12, 2017 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11992/1.13
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