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Learning objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Identify the physical characteristics of stars that are used to create an H–R diagram, and describe how those characteristics vary among groups of stars
  • Discuss the physical properties of most stars found at different locations on the H–R diagram, such as radius, and for main sequence stars, mass

In this chapter and Analyzing Starlight , we described some of the characteristics by which we might classify stars and how those are measured. These ideas are summarized in [link] . We have also given an example of a relationship between two of these characteristics in the mass-luminosity relation. When the characteristics of large numbers of stars were measured at the beginning of the twentieth century, astronomers were able to begin a deeper search for patterns and relationships in these data.

Measuring the Characteristics of Stars
Characteristic Technique
Surface temperature

1. Determine the color (very rough).

2. Measure the spectrum and get the spectral type.

Chemical composition Determine which lines are present in the spectrum.
Luminosity Measure the apparent brightness and compensate for distance.
Radial velocity Measure the Doppler shift in the spectrum.
Rotation Measure the width of spectral lines.
Mass Measure the period and radial velocity curves of spectroscopic binary stars.

1. Measure the way a star’s light is blocked by the Moon.

2. Measure the light curves and Doppler shifts for eclipsing binary stars.

To help understand what sorts of relationships might be found, let’s look briefly at a range of data about human beings. If you want to understand humans by comparing and contrasting their characteristics—without assuming any previous knowledge of these strange creatures—you could try to determine which characteristics lead you in a fruitful direction. For example, you might plot the heights of a large sample of humans against their weights (which is a measure of their mass). Such a plot is shown in [link] and it has some interesting features. In the way we have chosen to present our data, height increases upward, whereas weight increases to the left. Notice that humans are not randomly distributed in the graph. Most points fall along a sequence that goes from the upper left to the lower right.

Height versus weight.

Graph of Height Versus Weight. The vertical axis is labeled “Height” in arbitrary units. The horizontal axis is labeled “Weight” in arbitrary units. A plot of dots shows a general trend of weight increasing as height increases, with a few outliers above and below.
The plot of the heights and weights of a representative group of human beings. Most points lie along a “main sequence” representing most people, but there are a few exceptions.

We can conclude from this graph that human height and weight are related. Generally speaking, taller human beings weigh more, whereas shorter ones weigh less. This makes sense if you are familiar with the structure of human beings. Typically, if we have bigger bones, we have more flesh to fill out our larger frame. It’s not mathematically exact—there is a wide range of variation—but it’s not a bad overall rule. And, of course, there are some dramatic exceptions. You occasionally see a short human who is very overweight and would thus be more to the bottom left of our diagram than the average sequence of people. Or you might have a very tall, skinny fashion model with great height but relatively small weight, who would be found near the upper right.

Questions & Answers

what is moon
Sahil Reply
what is an eclipse
how many planets and dwarf planets are this solar system?
Khate Reply
what about erendel star?
Warsame Reply
what about vinus?
what is astronomy
Ghost Reply
what is astronaut
how does the planets on our solar system orbit
cheten Reply
my be eight
how many Messier objects are there in space
satish Reply
I don't know
did you g8ve certificate
Richard Reply
what are astronomy
Issan Reply
Astronomy (from Ancient Greek ἀστρονομία (astronomía) 'science that studies the laws of the stars') is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution.
what is big bang theory?
what type of activity astronomer do?
the big bang theory is a theory which states that all matter was compressed together in one place the matter got so unstable it exploded releasing All its contents in the form of hydrogen
I want to be an astronomer. That's my dream
Who named the the whole galaxy?
Shola Reply
solar Univers
what is space
what is the dark matter
what are the factors upon which the atmosphere is stratified
Nicholas Reply
is the big bang the sun
Folakemi Reply
bigbang is the beginning of the universe
but thats just a theory
nothing will happen, don't worry brother.
what does comet means
these are Rocky substances between mars and jupiter
Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases , rock and dust that orbit the sun. They are mostly found between the orbits of Venus and Mercury.
qt rrt
r u there
hey can anyone guide me abt international astronomy olympiad
how can we learn right and true ?
Govinda Reply
why the moon is always appear in an elliptical shape
Gatjuol Reply
Because when astroid hit the Earth then a piece of elliptical shape of the earth was separated which is now called moon.
what's see level?
lidiya Reply
Did you mean eye sight or sea level
oh sorry it's sea level
according to the theory of astronomers why the moon is always appear in an elliptical orbit?
hi !!! I am new in astronomy.... I have so many questions in mind .... all of scientists of the word they just give opinion only. but they never think true or false ... i respect all of them... I believes whole universe depending on true ...থিউরি

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Source:  OpenStax, Astronomy. OpenStax CNX. Apr 12, 2017 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11992/1.13
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